The Letter

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I want to tell you all the truths that I never had the guts to tell before. I wish I could believe you have never loved me the way I grew to love you, If it is true or not I guess we have more in common, that's actually true. I can't say I'm over you because I fear I'll never be, you're my kryptonite as I am your's. I know you were scared of falling and not being to be ought but I had already taken the leap, you just needed to trust me. I wish you're actions could've collide with your words, it would be easier to remember and move on but it's not and it pains me.

I have decided to shut up and smile as you know my story that includes A you loved to annoy me with remember. I've only told you the story but I did not expect a part two. Last year when I was with you I encounter her once more and again this year. The only difference is that this time I was the one that screwed up, and when I saw her I couldn't even lift of my head to even look at her, I saw her baby girl though she ran up to me and let's just say A knew who was the guy buried in his 3DS playing Mario kart 7.

I couldn't even look at her for a second time, I don't want that to be us to be honest. I don't want to ruin whatever we are more than I have. We both were friends once like we were back in October. I know you might dislike my opinions towards that Cyberman, can you blame me for hating him if he treats you the way you tell me, with no respect or loyalty to you. I feel powerless because you don't let anyone of your friends do anything about it, I hate the thought of you getting hurt, crying or feeling alone and sad, just not having that beautiful smile that I love.

Don't ever forget even if you think the whole entire world doesn't care if you live or die always remember that there is going to be at least one in the universe that does care, that you are there world. Throughout thick and thin, friends or foe, rumors or truth. I care. Always will, always have. To the end of the time.

Don't ever forget how important and special you are

- Love, The Doctor

I smiled folding the letter formally and placing it inside a black envelope and sealed it with red wax using a stamp that had a rose for design. I was using my fancy letter set that one of my best friends gifted me for my 15th birthday, the only gift I was given that day. My parents were busy, I don't exist to my older siblings, Only a few people are important to me, I only use this set for those people. I keep on smiling while the hot wax cooled down, sending this letter to My Rose will be the first time I ever send it to someone so important, I had written my first love letter and I Intend the person that is meant for to read it, which I never do.

I have this high dislike for writing love letters, I prefer to speak face to face specially if it's about feelings.

I highly dislike people to read my writing other than my writing teacher Mr. Fenix, because I feel like he can keep a secrets others not much. Every story that I write that is fantasy there's a bit of truth in them always.

Giving Carmen that letter means I'll let go, I'll give up trying to get her back. After all I got one year left of high school, she chose and it seems like I should chose again as well, giving her a second change made my friends fall apart I believe but no more, I'll get my friends, I'll get the girl, I'll have a fantastic year and most of all I'm bringing back the Bad Wolf I was.


The sun hit my eyes and I rolled in my covers, I didn't want to wake up. My mother had Univision on, attempting to wake me up. When that didn't work she began shaking me awake until I realized today, the letter.

I jumped off my bed surprising my mom, I started getting ready for school. I put on my black jeans, a red v-neck shirt and my black vans, before heading out my mom gave me 20 dollars for school, I put on my black leather jacket on, Bluetooth headphones and my phone on shuffle and head to school.

I take the train and then a bus to go to school, it takes at least half an hour if the train isn't delayed or and if the bus isn't full and late as well. I started thinking and smiling this people might think I'm crazy.

I felt as if I could let go completely but part of me didn't want that. I knew it was time to leave it in the past, to my eyes she's an everlasting blooming gorgeous rose, she will always appear to me as perfection. If she decides to not read it and burn it I'll be fine. It's Friday after all I just have one class with her, Geometry. I'll be fine right letting go enough to just really care as just a friend, now it bothers me that when we are beginning to be friends she calls me her ex. First it's 'That's my brothers friend' then is 'My ex' when will she ever say friend.

I entered the building sliding my ID and starting to take off all the metal I had on me; my watch, and belt, so I can go through the metal detectors. I looked to the side where there's a big white erase board.

G.T.H.S Students
Monster Ball Next Friday
Big Gym
Doors Open at 3:50
Ends 8:00

I had taken my book bag that only had few books and the rest of my costume inside. I handed my notebooks yesterday, any class I had now I could easily get my notebook from the rack, the fact that we don't get lockers after three years isn't frustrating anymore.

In my building class we had to finish the haunted house that we were working on for the entire month, we build a house from scraps to the real deal. I had to go to the basement, to the big gym because we were just finishing up some electrical work that needed to be fixed, after that we went back upstairs to finish on our own haunted house projects.

All the schools that were in the same building where free to join they just had to get an okay from there principal to ours and have a teacher to stay as chaperone.

The schools are all high schools of course, there is Trinity High, Masione High, and G.T High (Green Technologies) which is the one I'm in.

I checked my schedule in our schools app I'll see her in geometry or I could just wait until lunch, it's sooner I put my phone in my pocket shutting the screen off.
In this class I'm the straight A+ student when it comes to building but paper work I go down to B's and C's. I had my team fix some parts of the wiring that my group had mess up, our activity planner teacher came in the room she saw me standing while my team worked with my arms crossed on my chest.

"What are you doing Rey?" She asked coming closer with a warm smile, as I faced her I returned the smile

"Supervising" I simply said staying in my position, she laughed and smiled at me before speaking

"I knew you were going to say that," I smiled at her now turning my sass on.

"I got to let them learn, right?" She said nothing, just nodded. Once my teacher Chris was done helping some other students with their work they walked towards the green door exiting the room.

"What the bloody hell did you guys do!" I was now heading there way, I found the problem that they totally mix up, I switched the hot wires with the neutral one and added some ground wire connecting it with a pigtail, then I covered it with a orange nut screw and shortly we were the first to finish and yet the last to start. The teacher congratulated us by turning it on and we took pictures for the board, he gave the four of us what he called the haunted house bundle, everything we used to build the house (tools). For the rest of the period we were free to chill.

Now coming from U.S History which my I say is boooorrrig, I walked to the middle of the halls in front of the cafeteria waiting for her.

"Carmen!" I have yelled, she turned around. I watched as her Now fixed blond darkish hair leaned against her shoulders, she was now embracing me with a tight hug. As she let go I gave her a smile which she returned, my heart could be felt if you touch my chest just a smile makes it go that crazy, she's my kryptonite and I'm hers that's why I say that also many other things.

I was feeling nervous as we stood there in silence.

"We need to talk" I broke it, nice move Rey now she's not going to talk because that's always bad news I mentally slapped myself.

"You know how about tomorrow?, I have to-" I cut her off

"It's extremely important, this or you can find out the other way, remember sharp Ice" I took her hand and dragged her to stair case C, when I took my grip of her I saw her hide the pain that I caused by grabbing her. I saw it in her eyes and how she flinched, I soften the grip on her right hand, now hiding my watery eyes I knew exactly why it was hurting and it wasn't good news.

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