Chapter 2

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Dad went out my room after our small chat and I went on for a shower.

'Wait... When was the entrance exam again? Ugh! I was not paying attention like usual. I'm an idiot. I guess I'll just ask him later.'

After I took a shower I dressed up into a simple white shirt with my name printed on (let's just assume), a pink skirt paired with black socks, and white sneakers.

I'm going to the grocery store to buy me some snacks. I grabbed my phone and my wallet and headed downstairs.

'Weird... Was that the only objective? And when did I actually did it?' I sighed as I headed out the front door. The market is just a few blocks anyway.


My phone alerted.

| Ouran
|-be in your next game area

'Okay, what the heck? What is this Ouran? Is this a store or an arcade?Ugh, I'll check this later.' I grunted and put my phone in my pocket and went in the store.

I was at the 3rd isle when I bumped someone.

Wild chick appeared.

'Damn, hot girls.


What was I going to do again? Oh yeah! Help her, duh.'

I quickly stood up as I helped her up.

"I'm sorry miss, are you okay? I wasn't looking where I was going. I'm terribly sorry" I apologized and bowed.

She sweatdropped, "No really, It's okay princess. I wasn't paying attention myself either." She replied as she held the basket that dropped.

Good thing nothing was damaged on her goods.

'Oh wait! Did she call me princess? Is she a gamer too?'

"Hey, sorry for asking but how'd you know It's me?" I asked.

"Well, our neighborhood knows you quite well since you topped all the scores on the arcade there." she replied with a smile.

"Well, I better get going. I have to make my rounds. Sorry, see ya!" I smiled as I went past her and gave a 2 finger salute.

She smiled and waved back and continued to walk away.

She's so pretty~
I wonder if she's in my class or older.

I looked back to see her long brown hair flowing away gently..

'Wait what?! This is not a damn love at first sight!' I shook my head and went on.


My phone rang,

|Achievement Unlocked
|- Nice to meet you

'Oh so I have achievements too?
Well idiot, games have them.
And I am contradicting myself.
What does this mean anyway? I didn't even do a thing!'

I sighed for the nth time while my thoughts battled it out. I placed my phone in my pocket and headed home.


I came home to see no one.

'Dammit dad, where in the seven hells are you?!' Knowing that I'm basically left home alone, I saved my queries for later.

I sighed again and ran upstairs to my room and threw the bags of food at my study table. Like literally threw it and plopped on to bed then slept not bothering to change my clothes.

~the next day~

I woke up to the sound of knocking on my door.

F^king little shits. I hadn't slept for weeks and this is how they wake me up? What a great day. Note the sarcasm.

I turned to the other side covering my face with my pillow as that knocking bastard went in.

'Dammit, why not enter in the first place?!'

I felt presence standing near my feet and instinctively grabbed the rails of my bed's headboard.

Seeing my reaction, dad immediately grabbed my feet and pulled me off my blanket. And yes, I am being pulled out of bed, literally.

"Wake up princes! You need to go now!" my father said as he kept tugging on my feet. For someone who doesn't want me to go, he's surely eager to let me though.

"Duwanna! lemigo!" I squeaked.

'Sh't! This is why I don't like it when someone hears my voice when I just woke up. It gets high pitched, my mouth wont cooperate with me in talking, and it's pretty annoying. Just think of it like an annoying little kid whining.'

"Aww... My little baby is talking. Get up dammit!" My father teased then yelled.

Calm yo mood swings bruh.

I kicked him softly in the chest and he let go of my feet. I got off bed looking like a zombie as usual.

'I mean, why can't I have those naturally beautiful hair? Its nice waking up with a cool hair you know.'

"Awt!" I declared pointing to the open door. My father just chuckled and ruffled my hair and he went out closing the door.

'Where am I off to anyway? Ugh! Mornings are so sh't when you are woken up, which is likely everyday.'

After doing my morning routine, I opened the door quickly to see dad not that far.

"Dad wait!" I called out, running to him as he faced me with the b'tch-the-hell-you-want? face.

"You freaking woke me up on 6 am and want me to get ready when I don't even know where on earth I'm going!" I shouted.

'Yes! My voice is back!'

"The entrance exam of your school is today. Didn't I tell you? hahaha! My bad~" he said as he had that smug look on his face..

"Bruh." was my only reply as  it seemed like I lost my soul all of a sudden.

• • •

"You could have told me you freaking demon!" I snapped.

'Now I have to go to hell. I mean, my true habitat.' =.=

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