Chapter 22

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I woke up to a white room feeling f^cking sore from all the sh't I went through...

I let out a small groan and tried to sit up from the bed and look around to see Mori-senpai staring at me while Honey-senpai slept on his lap..

"Uhh.. what happened?" I asked as he kept staring at me..

"Owwwkaaay.. I guess it's adventure time then.." I said trying to walk but fell because of that moment when your legs don't work like they used to before..

I was expecting a huge impact on the floor but instead I fell into a big... hard... chest of a person..

So f^cking cliché but atleast I wasn't hurt..

"You alright?" Mori asked as he lay me back on the bed..

he spoke..

oh my f^cking gosh! he talks!

okay.. I'm just overreacting..

"Yeah.. because I always wanted to freaking fall.. of course I'm not! but thanks anyway.. and sorry.. I thought I am already better.." I replied giving him one of my goofy smiles..

"Rest for now.. they'll be back soon.." he said and patted my head..

So brotherlike..

"Oh by the way.. have you seen my phone?" I asked as Mori hessitated for a second and sighed..

"Kyoya has it for now.. he said he has something to talk about when they get back and you'll wake up.." he replied and went back to his seat being Honey's pillow..

I wonder what my other self did after that..

I decided to rest a little only to be woken up by whisper shoutings..

Gently sitting up, the hosts eyed my every movement and they sat at the seats just across the bed..

And our staring contest begun..

"Uhh.. Can I have my phone now?" I asked breaking the silence and tension we are in for the moment..

Kyoya adjustes his glasses and they all crossed their legs in sync

They could be some bishie dance group or stuff..

"We'll be returning your property if you tell us the truth and all of it Lia.." He said as I felt the chill run down my spine..

F^ck.. they are serious as sh't..

Well then.. There's no other way out of this right?

"Well it started when the fire nation attacked-" I got cut off by them saying "Do not joke around!"

Well fine.. It's not like it's gonna hurt right?

"Actually.. If I talk about the past experience of this game, I actually thought this was just something dad made to track my everyday doings.. Since It's not so long since I discovered the way the game is played.. When things started with IO, I then realized that this isn't the reality I thought.. It is still a game.. you guys are just a well made computer program.. and somehow.. out there.. there are people watching and may even be controlling us right now.. the way it has come to this is because of the way I play this game.." I stated which sparked up their interests more..

"I can't say much more that what I seemed to remember since this is just a game.. I am not even sure if this is really my name or if this is really my appearance.. and.. the main reason I came here was because of this.. and.. the part when this will all end is still uncertain.. but I guess if I go with the game flow.. this will probably end in some cliché sh't.. that's all for now.." taking a huge breath, I smiled at them as they just sat there jaw dropped and eyes wide..

"Oh.. and one more thing.. I was already replaced by fake Lia the moment I talked to IO.. you remember right? when he requested me? I must have acted like the real me since I am not aware of the replacement but the moment the fake me started acting sh't.. do not believe anything she might have said out of the blue.. even though I was brutally honest sometimes.." I added with a sweatdrop

"It just doesn't make any sense.." Kaoru stated with his brows furrowed

"I know.. It isn't something so light to be believed easily.." I said scratching the back of my head

"So... can I have my phone back? I really don't know what to do without it telling me things.." I sighed as Kyoya handed me ny phone..

And just then.. my phone rang..

|Everyone Needs
|a Hero
|- if you can't save your
|world, save the others'

I read outloud to the others while they look at me questioningly..

"What? It's not like if I read this sh't I already know what's the sh'tty solution.."

They sweatdropped but shrugged it off for now..

Mori-senpai assisted me to stand up as we walked out of the infirmary and to the fountain not making any small chats at all..

"Uhmm... Sorry to break the silence but what is planned for tomorrow? I have no idea what you guys are up to while I was gone.." I asked while Kyoya checked his deathnote..

"Now that you mention it, Tomorrow is the beginning of the preperations for the 43rd Ouran Fair.." He replied pushing his glasses up

"Oh yeah.. Kyoya.. are the workers already contacted?" Tamaki asked while Kyoya just nodded..

Who knew this school had one normal event for a change.. just your typical school fair in this big grounds would be lots of fun yet it would take some time to tour it all..

"By any chance you are gonna do a haunted house? or maybe a maid café? or some movie marathon?" I said excitedly as Haruhi also perked up..

They looked at me questioningly and then pat me on the head..

"The Ouran Fair is quite different princess.. You'll see it by tomorrow.." Tamaki said as we all left the school

Please don't tell me it's kind of like a rich ass event far from the traditional school fairs..

It'll be a pain in the ass..

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