Part 8

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Jarrold fell back with a cry and Finn only just had time to bring his own sword up. The two weapons met with a clash of steel that rang throughout the room. In the dim light from the doorway Finn was only able to make out that his assailant was a short, slender figure, their face hidden and shadowed by a dark hooded cowl, before the mysterious figure attacked again.

The stranger was lithe and graceful on their feet, and handy with a sword but with their slight frame they were no match for Finn's strength. The blows fell thick and fast between them as Finn forced the stranger back into the centre of the room giving himself more room to manoeuvre away from the doorway.

His opponent was beginning was to slow down, their movements getting sloppy and their breath coming in short gasps. A wild thrust just grazed Finn's forearm but the adrenaline pumping through him masked any pain.

He blocked the next swing. The other person was struggling. Finn could feel their weary trembling through their crossed swords. It was time to finish this and find out why he'd been attacked in the first place.

Stepping in close Finn pushed with all his might. He could feel his opponent's attempts at resistance but in the end it was too much. Their sword flew out of their grasp and they fell to the floor with a cry. A cry that sounded strangely female.

His sword point just inches from their throat Finn froze as the hood fell back to reveal a young woman glaring up at him. He dropped his sword.

"You're a girl?"

She sneered up at him and kicked the backs of his legs with a cry. For the second time that day Finn found himself hitting the ground with an almighty thud. He'd be lucky at this rate if he made it through this journey in one piece.

Neither of them moved or spoke as they lay on the dusty, wooden floor panting. The door creaked open and Jarrold half whispered, "Finn? Are you still alive?"

Finn groaned and sat up and the girl immediately sat up too, swaying slightly as she did so. Her eyes darted between Finn and her sword which was lying far out of reach.

"I'm not going to hurt you," Finn said, holding up his hands. "And look I haven't got my sword either."

She continued to glare at Finn but didn't speak. She was young, younger than Archie surely, barely out of her teens from the looks of it. Her hood had fallen down revealing long blonde hair in a simple plait down her back and a face covered with streaks of grime and dirt. Her clothes, simple and functional, were liberally coated in mud. She'd obviously been travelling for a while.

Jarrold's footsteps sounded behind Finn as he entered the room then stopped abruptly.

"You attacked a girl?" he exclaimed in a horrified tone.

The girl in question shifted her glare to Jarrold.

Gingerly touching the bump on the back of his head Finn spluttered. "How was I to know she was a girl? Her face was covered. And anyway she attacked me. I didn't have time to ask questions I just defended myself."

"I am right here you know?" she said, crossing her arms over her chest.

"Alright," said Finn, turning back to her. "So why did you attack me?"

"I thought you were M-" She paused. "Someone else."

Finn and Jarrold waited for her to elaborate but, clearly fearing she'd said too much, she clamped her mouth shut.

Jarrold hurried forwards and held out a hand for her. "Well whoever you thought we are we're not. My name's Jarrold and this is Finn."

"I'm Eila," she replied, accepting his hand and standing up. She waved her hand in the direction of the far corner where Finn realised she had a small area set out with her pack and belongings. "Do you want some food? I suppose it's the least I can do since I attacked you."

"Oh yes please," replied Jarrold, following her over to the corner.

With a shrug Finn stood up. The Dragonstone had worked its' way out from under his tunic again and swung as he got up. Now that he'd heard from more than just Durdaw that it was a known weapon against dragons he was feeling a bit more protective of it. He tucked it back under his tunic with a pat and followed Jarrold and Eila.


Over a bowl of stew, cold but surprisingly good, Eila quickly relaxed around Finn and Jarrold and soon enough it was like she and Jarrold had known each other for years. The only thing she still wouldn't talk about was herself. Other than the fact that she didn't want to light a fire for fear of who it could attract they'd found out nothing about who she was, what she was doing, or who she thought they might have been when they arrived and Finn couldn't tell if he was more annoyed or intrigued at the lack of information.

Gradually the conversation turned to Finn and Jarrold's journey. Finn would have been a bit more hesitant about telling her where they were going and why given half a chance since they still didn't actually know her but as soon as she asked Jarrold told her everything.

"Hawthorne Beach?" she said. "Oooh, you know they've got dragon problems over that way at the moment?"

"So we've heard," said Finn. "Any idea if it's true."

Elia lowered her empty bowl to the ground and leant back against the wall, legs stretched out in front of her.

"Can't say for sure," she said. "It's been years since any known dragon attacks hereabouts. But I did hear straight from a friend of mine that he only just escaped the clutches of a dragon. Right on Hawthorne Beach as it happens. A great, luminous green thing it was he said, the size of a house. Eyes red as the fire it shot at him and claws that could shred mountains. And old Melvar isn't normally one to be drawn into rumours and panic like some folk."

"Any idea if there's just one dragon or more than that?" Finn asked.

"No idea I'm afraid."

Jarrold was looking a bit green himself and Finn felt rather uneasy. Suddenly the Dragonstone seemed entirely inconsequential against such a creature. But if that was where Archie was then that was where Finn was going to go.

The three of them were silent for a while then Elia spoke again.

"I'm going that way myself. Perhaps I'll join you. I've never seen a dragon."

"Only if you tell us who you're running from," said Finn.

Eila rolled her eyes.

"Ignore him," said Jarrold, half-heartedly batting at Finn's outstretched boot. "We'd be happy for you to join us, wouldn't we Finn?"

"Apparently so."

Archie would be getting a veritable rescue party at this rate. He better be grateful for it and even more so if they had to face a dragon to get to him.

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