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      Another chapter for you guys.

      Sorry it took me so long to update, I'm back to 18hrs per day work.

      Hope you like it...

      Happy reading!

Breibrei xoxo


            My whole body is tingling with pure adrenaline flowing through it as I anticipate Luke's next move. Steve, one of the martial art instructor working for Luke already tapped out. He was caught off guard by a roundhouse kick I did that landed on his temple,not giving him time to recover I twisted my body down kicking him at the back of his knees causing him to fall.I hold him down with one of my signature move,the armbar.

      Luke hit me with an upper cut which I easily block.I smirk at him. Fighting gives my this high feeling.  I am looking at his eyes, never breaking contact. You can read your opponents next move through and through..  Like as I expected he rained me with punches followed by his tornado kick. I blocked mostly of them and lands some counter punches on him too. I flipped back making sure I hit him with my heel.I face him wearing a smirk again.Sometimes I love pissing him off during our fight. I always get on his nerves which he loses his cool and throw me all the moves he knows. He had a great discipline in fighting but I got him everytime.

       I need to defeat him soon.Donovan is almost finish warming up. He arrived late due too some work matters. Not that I can't take both of them down.  I need to be somewhere else at noon.

      Luke keeps on throwing me hits and kicks.I perfectly matched his moves. He hits me few times but I'm making sure he received more than I did. For the years we've been sparring I know his moves and techniques. Soon I saw an opening when he did the 360 kick.I bend backward sweeping my right foot aiming for the back of his knee.Bam! I tackled him on the mat using the same technique I used with Steve. I didn't release him until he tapped out.

      I heard chuckles from Donovan. Seems he's done with warm up. I let go off Luke and face him.

      "Ready to take me down big guy?" I ask wearing a smirk towards him.

      He just scoffed. "You bet."

      "Show me what you got then." I challenged him. Soon he approached me with his fighting stance ready. I watched his movement. Right fist strike me at a deadly speed. I twist me body to avoiding the punch before it hit,he didn't expect my left foot that makes contact with his right temple.

      "You never change,I should have known. " Donovan said shaking his head.

      " And you're getting slower old man. Keep it coming. " I taunted him.

      "You're asking for it." He said stepping near me. He started throwing deadly blows. I smiled and blocked everything he's thrown at me. Hitting back in every opening I got. Yeah sparring between us just looks like the actual fight. That's what I told them,no holding back. In every hit I got I make sure to retaliate twice as hard. He's a great fighter too,obviously he's ex- navy seal.

      With a loud thud,Donovan hit the floor,straddling him I twisted his arms beside his body.

     Both of us breathing hard he just looked at me while I'm hovering above him pinning him down.

      "Gotcha." I said. I doesn't move a muscle but a smirk forming in his face.

      "I kinda like the position." He said wiggling his eyebrows. Realisation dawns at me, I hit his chest and back flipped landing on my feet in a blink of an eye.

      "Jerk." I murmured going over the corner taking my bottled water to drink. Donovan's laughter filled the room,soon joined by Steven and Luke who's been watching. 

      I glared at them silencing their laughter. I make my way to the door.

      "Got to go guys,thanks for today." I called in a hard voice. Opening the door and go out without waiting for their answers.

     I felt eyes on me when I close the door. I sighed knowing most of the person in the gym looking curiously at me. I keep my stoic expression on my face and head to the shower room.

      Jace and David are having a nice warm up, the gym they found is great including the clients, equipments,the trainers and services. 

      " Glad we've found this." I said to David as I wipe my sweat, I'm just done lifting some weight. He's drinking his bottled water.

      "Yeah, and wow look at those hotties." David answered looking around to those ladies minding their business working out. They are gorgeous and some sent them flirty glances and oh not so subtle hints. But they don't throw themselves at them which we both are thankful.

      "Ready to get your ass kicked?"I asked him glancing on a corner where the boxing is.

      "Good luck with that." He answered grinning at me.

      The door next to the ring opened and... Holy shit.....Holy shit indeed. I felt my breath caught in my throat and blood rush to the south looking at a very flushed vixen, sweat coating her whole body,glistening. I never seen someone so perfect, she's wearing black yoga pants which shows her perfect curve and delectable ass, black sports bra under her sweat soaked white thin wife beater, small waist and wow her twin gloves. My throat suddenly parched. I probably sounded like a creeper but I never had this reaction to someone before. And her face, beautiful.

      "Hey Jace!"

      I blinked touching my arm that David punched.

      "What the fuck man." I glared at him then looks back to the woman, she's gone."What the hell was that for?" I felt irritated to him interrupting me.

      "Fuck man,I've never seen you like this before,I've been calling you many times already and you're just rooted where you stand looking at that woman, I can say she's a damn fine babe." He said which added to my irritation. I growled at him.

      "Chill,Jesus." He said pushing me towards the ring.

      The door opens again then three guys my size comes out sweating. The biggest one looking flushed. What the fuck?

      They are talking and laughing. The last guy locked the door which piqued my curiosity.

      "I wish she'll let us record what happens inside."First guy says to the other two." Keep wishing it won't happen.  Everything happened stays inside." Biggest guy answered smirking.

      I turned to David,I know he heard the conversation too. Both of us with the same question running through our minds.Did we just stumbled upon kinky gym?

      For the first time I felt something broke inside me thinking the worst about the woman who just captured my attention differently from the others before.

     "Come on let's take it out of you." David knows me well.He nudge me to move.

      David and I are taking a water break from sparring when a black clad woman passed by,she's holding a black helmet.
I can't help but stare. My chest thumping.

    "She looked familiar. " David broke the silence.  I glance at him then back to the woman whose opening the gym's door.

     Yeah,I've seen that back before...




        That's it guyz.. Hope you liked it.. Don't forget to vote too.

Breibrei xoxo

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