Chapter 10

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      Since they met face to face late,from now on I'll write more interaction between them. You just wait guys I'm gonna spice it up too.

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breibrei xoxo


      Wednesday morning, I can't wipe the grin on my face since I woke up. I had the most absurd day yesterday,I went back to my office with a little wounded pride but I still burst out laughing remembering a particular scene,I know I sound like a lunatic but I can't help it. I can't wait to tell David what I've found out since he's not around yesterday.

       "What's with the creepy grin on your face?" Speak of the devil and he shall appear. David said sauntering inside my office and planting his ass on the seat opposite to mine. This is our everyday routine before going on with our jobs. He'll come every morning, chat a little while enjoying our coffees prepared by Arla.

      "Morning to you too. You wouldn't believe what happened to me yesterday. " I said chuckling.

      "You met a chick with horizontal pussy?"

      Wait what?! Trust my bestfriend with his randomness. I decided to go along.


      "Did you really?! " He exclaimed looking at me with wide eyes.

      "Where the fuck did you get that idea? A horizontal pussy? " I asked him not sure if he's joking or what. Well he looks like a joke right now,seriously.

      "Well if I did find one maybe I'll stop my womanising way." He mumbled.

       We look at each other and bellowed out guffaws. Maybe because both of us picturing how would it look like coz I am. David is holding his stomach bending over the seat. I sobered up first. I waited for him to finish, me chuckling slightly.

       "Man that was good,"he said wiping some tears in the corner of his eyes,slightly out of breath.

      "Where the hell did you even get that horizontal pussy idea?" I asked that makes him started laughing again, not just hard as earlier.

      "I don't know, just came into my mind seeing you grinning like you're possessed. " He said grinning widely.

      "Like you're different right now," I said in sarcastic voice. " Do you wanna now or what.?"

      "What about the pussy talk I like it." He said eyebrows wiggling.

      "Morning boss here are your coffees, " Arla's voice cut through before I can speak again." I knocked but you two seemed to be so engrossed talking about something, seriously this early?" She continues after placing the cups on the table.

      "Thank you." I murmured taking a sip of my favorite black coffee.

      "Well I walked in on your boss here, he's wearing a creepiest grin on his face then he told me I won't ever believe what happened to him yesterday, so this pussy thing started. "David explained.

      Arla is the most efficient PA I've ever had. A tall brunette with a great body, I actually kind of like her before. Even tried asking her out. She politely declined and she was the  first woman who doesn't drool in my presence. A week after she declined I found out the reason why. One afternoon I peak my head inside her office to ask her about something I saw her making out with gorgeous blondie,  her girlfriend who's waiting for her to finish work,yeah she's a lesbian. She apologised and since then we became friends.

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