Play the Game

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Sherlock's POV:

The taxi pulled up at the gymnasium. Stepping out, I held the door open for John and made my way to the large double doors allowing entry to the building. I could already see Donovan waiting for us next to the reception desk. I flung the doors open and walked over to her, avoiding eye contact at all costs.

"Freak, they're waiting for you. Second door on the left, you'll need these." She said handing me a pair of gloves.

"No I won't." I replied simply.

"Look, if you want to go in there, you have to wear the gloves, Sherlock. It's not difficult."

"Were you wearing gloves last night?"


"The faint lines around your wrist say gloves. Leather, judging by the aroma. You could have been out last night, in fact, technically you were. You went to Anderson's. Not a difficult deduction going by the fact that you never wear the same clothes two days in a row, yet here you are."

"Just go in. And if Lestrade asks, I asked you nicely."

"Very well. Come on, John. We have a case to solve!"

When we entered the room, I noticed the body on the floor, surrounded by tape and policemen. Lestrade looked up from his files and walked over to us. He told me what I already knew and then allowed me to inspect the body.

He was lying on his back. There was a stain on his sleeve, flour. His clothes didn't seem to resemble that of a baker's. His hands were soft except his fingers, office job was likely. The mark on his right wrist indicated time at a computer or laptop. Possibly working from home, writing as a hobby or his job involved typing. I noticed a ring on his left hand, ring finger. It had been well looked after, scrubbed so often that scratches had started to appear. The man appeared to be 53. Why would a murdered take a body to a gym when the victim had no reason to be there? I saw a slip of paper in the man's pocket. I pulled it out and read.

You once told me you weren't one for riddles. I said to learn to. But did you listen? Why do you think he's in a Jim, Sherlock? Oh, my mistake, gym. Did you like the little touch with the flour? I'll give you one little clue, your dear brother adores this place. His guilty pleasure. I made an order, could you pick it up for me? Although, I never was one for cake... -JM x

The small bakery that Mycroft loves. It was located not far from here. On the back of the paper was a name and number scribbled. I looked over to John, he was having a conversation with Lestrade but soon noticed me staring. Him and Lestrade walked over to me and asked me what had happened. I explained my deductions and then told them about the note.

Once I had finished speaking to Lestrade, John and I decided we were to go to the bakery. We signalled for a taxi and hopped in, unsure of what we were to find there.

We arrived at the bakery and told the baker about the reservation. He told us to take a seat and he would bring us the cake soon. I sat down at one of the tables and thought about Jamie. I didn't know how to protect her. I didn't want her to get hurt.

John sat down opposite me and called Mrs Hudson.

"Hello?" She answered.

"Mrs Hudson, it's John." He said, looking over at me and smiling.

"Oh, hello. How's the case going, dear?"

"Well, as always. I was calling to check up on Jamie. How is she?"

"We have moved her things into your room and we're having a cup of tea at the moment."

"Okay, I was wondering if she needs to get anything."

"She wants to go book shopping but apart from that, she says she's fine."

"Okay, thank you. I'll see you soon."

"Take care!"

John ended the call and pushed the phone back into his pocket. I was glad that Jamie was okay. But I knew, it was time to play the game.

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