He's Back

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John's POV:

I was sitting at a table in the bakery with Sherlock. Why had Moriarty returned? After all this time, why choose to come back. The strangest part was his way of telling us he's back. The murder has taken a rather strange course. That was after all, the reason I was sitting on a pastel pink chair. I watched Sherlock. He had his thinking face on. He had a habit of screwing his nose up and squeezing his eyes shut when he was trying to think.

The man soon came back to the counter, carrying a small box. He placed it down on the surface and opened the lid. There was a white cake inside with blue icing swirled around the perimeter. There was writing on it too, in swirly handwriting read the words:

Did you miss me?

He was definitely back. There was no denying that my worst nightmare was coming back to haunt me yet again. The baker told us that it had already been paid for. How thoughtful of this master criminal to buy us a cake. He always was so lovely to us. Like the time he strapped enough explosives to my chest to bring down a block of flats.

We left the bakery with the cake. Sherlock was determined to find out Moriarty's whereabouts so we thought maybe we could bribe Mycroft into helping us. Of course we'd have to change the writing but apart from that...

Sherlock had decided that we would first return to the apartment and take Jamie with us so she could go book shopping. I think that Sherlock secretly likes her, he just doesn't let his feelings show most of the time.

We got in a taxi and headed to the apartment. Mrs Hudson was still with Jamie when we arrived. They had been reading my blog. To be completely honest, I didn't even know that Mrs Hudson was aware of how to use the internet but the proof was right in front of me.

I switched on the kettle and placed my coat on the stand. Sherlock had gone to his room for some reason but I decided against disturbing him. I went to go and join Jamie on the sofa. She looked over at me and smiled.

"John, will I ever get to go on a case with you and Sherlock?" She asked, looking directly at me.

"I hope so. It would be nice for us all to finally spend some time together." I replied, being careful with how I worded my sentence.

"Yes. Do you think he hates me?"

"No. I think it's just difficult for him because of who your mother was."

"I understand. She was always so limiting. I knew what she did for a living, Dr Watson, but she would still lock me in my room until she had finished. I'm glad she's gone."

"You don't feel at all sad?"

"Not at all. Good riddance, I say."

I looked at her again. She showed more emotion than Sherlock but tended not to feel as much as others. I wasn't sure whether to feel sympathy or envy her. Sometimes living with Sherlock was extremely exciting and I would love every moment of it, yet other times you can feel aggravated by how ignorant his is about the world around him.

But however much I moan about him, I wouldn't change him for the world and I definitely know that I'm not giving up on him any time soon.

The kettle had finished so I got up and walked over to the kitchen. I picked up two cups from the cupboard and called Sherlock. He came out of his room and joined me in the kitchen. He made the tea for me and I got the biscuits. We sat down in the living room and drank our tea in silence. He was thinking again.

Once we had finished, Sherlock assisted me in tidying everything away. He appeared to be deep in thought throughout the duration of it. I assumed he was thinking about Moriarty. I needed to take his mind off of him, get him away from him. It wasn't good for Sherlock to be constantly worried about where Moriarty was to strike next.

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