Chapter Four

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Chapter Four

"You know what you need Kate? You need a drink a proper drink." I told myself aloud as I drove from Sue's house.  

I really needed some time to think and some air conditioning. I pulled into the first hotel I came accross. When I finally found a shady spot for my car to rest I set off in the direction of the hotel. I felt like I was meant to be doing something. Something important, but I couldn't remember what.  

"Oh well" I said to myself and practically skipped into the hotel. The cool air was so welcome I was almost in tears from relief. An attendant offered me a table which I gladly accepted. A waiter came to take my order and I ordered a strong Brandy and coke. I started to seriously consider what Sue had suggested. Maybe some time away would do me some good. I haven't left the town since I arrived which- was in an awful hurry mind you.  

I do miss the city. I thought.  

I reached into my handbag to pull out my phone to text Sue that it was a ridiculous idea when I found the letter.  


My name was there on the front in a handwriting I didn't quite recognize at first. It still felt familiar. I braced myself for what skeleton was about to emerge out of my closet. I carefully opened Pandora’s Box and pulled the piece of paper out of the envelope. It read:


My God you don't know how much I miss you. We all miss you up here. New York wasn't really the same after you left. You must want to kill me for sending Christo after you to give you this but quite frankly I don't know where you are. And you know how Christo has his ways...  

I wouldn't be contacting you now if I didn't feel it was really important. I'm not sure how to word this so I'm going to go for the direct approach. I have cancer. I tried to ignore the symptoms at first (stubborn as always) but by the time I collapsed in the office and I was rushed to hospital my cancer was in its later stages.  

So basically Kat, you're my best friend. You always will be even though you left. I still love you. There's so much I have to tell you! But for now I'm really scared Kat and I'm not sure how much time I have left. Shit Kat I'm not sure about anything but I would really like it if you would come see me in hospital before, you know... I refuse to emotionally blackmail you into coming and if you don't I'll understand. Three years is a long time and maybe you've moved on. I don't know. I just wanted you to know.  

If I never see you again, I love you. And if I do, I love you the same.  


I read and then reread the letter over and over. Tears streamed down my cheeks and eventually clouded my vision. I didn't realise how violently I was shaking until a hand grabbed my shoulder. It was the young waiter that had served me earlier. He looked down with concern.  

"Are you okay Miss?"  

"Yes, I uh... I'm not sure. Excuse me." I muttered incoherently and I ran to the furthest restroom so that I could cry in peace. I closed the lid of the toilet and sat down. My head was spinning. These types of things just don't affect people like me. We were supposed to be young, free and invincible. Nothing, not even death could beat us.  

I thought of my dear best friend Stacey. I missed her every day. I missed everyone I left behind but I had always been under the impression that they were better off that way. That I was better off away.  

Stacey and I officially met in preschool. We hit it off instantly. We shared everything from that day onward which is saying something because I hated sharing. I remember the day my mother looked at me with disbelief then pride as I broke off half my banana and gave it to my new best friend. After that we were inseparable and as a consequence our families became so too. We went on holidays together. We studied the same degree! All by choice. They say when you grow up you'll grow apart but the complete opposite happened with us. We grew up and grew closer together.  

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