Chapter Seven

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When I arrived at the hospital I felt extremely nervous. Like I was going to a job interview or something of the like. I felt unprepared and underdressed. To make matter worse I could barely feel my legs because I had to squeeze them into a pair of skinny jeans in my closet. I cursed that small town food and abundance if sweets at work. I decided next semester we would feed the kids (and begrudgingly myself) fruit and vegetables. And no soda! I hoped I looked decent and ran my fingers through my hair in attempt to achieve this.

"Third floor, east wing, room 10B" the nurse said kindly and pointed to the elevator.

Fortunately, navigating my way to her room was a difficult task which took my mind off my nervousness. A kind soul eventually helped me find her suite. I hesitated outside the door, trying to build courage. I had to be strong or her even when all I wanted to do was fall apart.

I knocked on the door lightly. A granted me permission to come in and I obliged.

"Katerina Kolev. You're alive!" Stacey yelled in surprise.

"I should say the same thing about you!" I responded and enveloped her into a hug. We lingered for a while, just holing each other as if to cement the fact that it was real...We there really here...Together. I wanted to as our and cherish our reunion but I needed to say somethings first.

I began to ramble: "I'm so sorry Stacey. You have no idea how much I missed you. Like, everyday. I just had to leave. It was for the best. I thought I was doing the right thing for you and for everyone-"

"Shhh let's not talk about that just yet, the important thing is that you're here now. Lets not spoil the moment."

"You're right, sorry Stace."

"Don't apologise. Now how have you been? Fill me in on the past couple of years, I've got oodles of time"

So I filled her in. On everything. From day one on my own. How I landed my job as a kindergarten teacher by pure coincidence. How I've been living middle class at which she mock gasped and contorted her face in disgust. I went on to tell her about Susan and the bitch Tracey with her small town politics.

We talked for hours about everything in my life while carefully darting around the subject of why I left until she went there.

"Sooo love life..." She giggled and said with a mischievous tone to her voice.

"I would rather speak about what's been happening at work and with you? Are you still with Jordan?" I said changing the subject to something else. I quickly slipped my engagement ring into my pocket. I didn't really know how to approach the Tristan topic. I wasn't even sure where he and me stood.

"Jordan and I are still together. Work is the same. Except I'm the CFO now!" She said proudly.

"My God Stace I'm so proud of you!" I hugged her and squeezed her tightly.

"Everything is basically the same though except with you gone... I wish I had more to tell you. But things have been pleasant. I really missed you." She said with tears in her eyes and too my hand and squeezed it lovingly.

"I love you Stace. I promise I'll never leave you again..." I said earnestly, tears falling down my own cheeks.


We didn't notice someone was at the door until they cleared their throat.

"Christo! I didn't see you. You're such a creeper! Did you bring my chocolate?" Stacey cried and smacked his chest expectably.

"Hello to you too Stace." He smiled. And hugged her. He nodded in my direction and I assumed that was a greeting.

Why was he being so cold? I wondered.

"Uhm I'll just leave you two to talk. " I said awkwardly.

"No don't leave! " Stacey whined at which I laughed.

"I'll be back tomorrow morning." I assured her and hugged her tightly once more and kissed her cheek.

"I love you so much Kat Kat with all of my heart! " Stacey said dramatically throwing her left hand in the air and placed the other on her. I laughed.

"I love you too! With all my boobs, I would say heart, but my boobs are bigger." I winked and walked away.

As I reached the door Christo said very coldly. "Katerina, may I have a word with you outside before you go."

I nodded hesitantly.

When we reached outside he said bluntly: "About back our little rendezvous at your school... It was a mistake and we were both overwhelmed. It was pure lust. We don't have feelings for each other anymore. Lets just keep it at that."

Shocked I just nodded dumbly.

"Oh and can we keep this between us? Like a secret?" He asked.

I just nodded dumbly again.

His eyes raked my body up and down. At first i thought he was checking me out but i was way off the mark because he then said plainly: "You're wearing my shirt." He looked even closer and said: "and my blazer."

I flushed with embarrassment. "I'm so sorry it was it my closet and these were the only clothes that would fit me that were appropriate." I rambled more apologies and then proceeded to take off he blazer but he stopped me by saying:

"Uh don't worry about it. Keep it all. Burn it when you find clothes that fit. I don't care." He said and then went back into the room where Sarah was.

I stared though the glass at Christo ad Stacey. They seemed to be chatting causally. I scrutinized Stacey's appearance for the first time. She was thinner than she used to be, which is saying something. Her hair was still blonde but it had lost its diamond like shimmer. She didn't glow. Her face was sickly pale and her lips thin line.

She looked so sick. My poor Stacey. Thank goodness she had Jordan to support her. Then and there I decided I would be there for her day and night. I wouldn't let her fight this battle alone. She wouldn't give up because we would get through it together. We always won when we fought together. Now we needed each other most.

My ailed best friend, the way Christo treated me and the confusion in my heart surmounted to the tears that tumbled down my face at rapid speed.

I ran outside the hospital as fast as possible and hailed a cab. The driver looked at me with pity as I told him my address. He could see my blood shot eyes and hear the croak in my voice. When I arrived at my apartment I took another shower and went straight to bed. Sleep would be welcome.

Habitually I checked my phone and saw two text messages:

The first was from Stacey which made me smile. It read: "It was lovely seeing you today. Just wanted to let you know that. I have awesome news to tell you tomorrow (in person) bring chocolate. Love you lots. S xoxo"

The second was from Tristan it read: "Love you Babe, can't wait to see your sexy ass soon. Call me before you go to bed. I want to hear your voice. It's what sustains me. Sorry for being a dick."

I needed to sort my emotions out. Plan my life from here on.

But first, sleep. I thought as I snuggled further into the covers.

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