Chapter Five

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Chapter Five

"Kat.Kat, wake up. We're landing soon."

Chris whispered softly as he tried to gently rouse me from my sleep. I untangled myself from him and pushed him away., tried to go back to sleep. He, realizing I wasn't going to wake easily, began to shake me more roughly.

"Wake up Kat!" He then shouted losing his patience.

"Okay I'm up," I said sitting up straight and raising my hands in defeat.

"Good," he smiled victoriously.

"How'd you sleep?" I asked. My voice still groggy from the sleep.

"I slept well, "


"You shouldn't go around making such hurtful accusations..."

"You looked bloody uncomfortable seated here with me..." I paused suddenly feeling awkward. He looked at me expectantly so I continued "uh. I just wanted to, uh, say thank you. I was having a rough night."

"You're welcome."

I opened the window shade to see the view and was immediately rendered speechless.

"The skyline It's... Wow. It's so colorful and its so vibrant. Astounding!" I exclaimed as I gazed outside the small airplane window. I had completely forgotten the beauty of New York City. The city lights seemed incandescent. Although I was miles high up in the sky it did nothing to hide the sheer boldness of it all.

I wasn't sure what time it was but it was obliviously night, yet there was a sense of busyness that emanated from the city. I loved that about the city, the constant pulse, the fact that there was always something happening. Because of lights blazing from every skyscraper, every office block and building: yellows, pinks, greens and blues all dominated the image.

It New York is a constantly animate being: breathing, working and living.





"Come with me." Christo commanded breaking my reverie. He was towering over me. I hadn't realized he had stood up. I looked up at him confused. He grabbed my hand and pulled me out of my seat. He turned and began walking to the front of the plane, pulling him with me. I struggled to keep up with him as I was stumbling from being seated for numerous hours. That and his stride length was much greater than mine because he was significantly taller than me.

"Where ate we going?" I asked

"You'll see."

He casually opened the door to the cockpit and pulled me inside. The pilots turned around shocked by his sudden appearance and the stewardesses dropped their people magazines to stand uncertain. This clearly was not a situation they had been briefed for.

"Is there a problem sir?" One of the pilots asked.

"There is no problem, continue as you were, " he nodded said authoritatively and everyone took their seats.

I found it humorous as the one hostess kept peeping up at Chris as she pretended to read her People. No doubt she fawning over him and who could blame her? He was breathtakingly gorgeous.

Chris squeezed my hand and showed me the view from the cockpit.

The amazing view from my tiny window paled in comparison to the wonder before me.

"The airport runway... It looks like children's toys or the intricate scale models of an aviation enthusiast." I breathed.

The view was of the run way. I was in awe of the complicated runways spiraling around each other. Although busy, it seemed so elegant. Lights of different colors and intensity all beamed up at us. They glowed warmly and welcoming almost as if to beckon and entice the various incoming planes to land. Each light, line, runway and pole was of vital meaning. I had little knowledge of aviation but I tried to appreciated the intelligent intricacy of design and the wonder of it all.

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