1. The Supreme

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"And who was the last supreme?" Asked the young witch, looking up at Cordelia who was wearing her signature black glasses, with her half long blond hair resting on her shoulders. Cordelia looked over at Zoe and Queenie with a little smile on her mouth, before her eyes moved over to the young and unsecure witch again. Cordelia swallowed hard, before she looked down at her feet's, even just the thought of her mother made her nervous. It also made her sad... even though she hated her mother... but she couldn't help it, but feel sad about the way everything ended. .... The way Fiona died in her arms, it always came back in her memory, sometimes very clear, others just in blurry pictures. Even though Fiona was a bad mother, she was still her mother...... And it was hurting a lot, more than she wanted it to hurt..... But it was for the best, because Fiona was NOT a good supreme. She needed to die, for the sake of the Coven. Even Fiona knew that....

"My mother was the last supreme....!" Cordelia answered with a soft voice while she tried to force a little smile. Queenie carefully placed the palm of her hand on Cordelia's back in comfort, knowing how much it was hurting her. How it ended between mother and daughter, and how much she hated her for that. She wanted a caring mother, a mother that loved her with all her heart.... But Fiona wasn't that kind of a mother.....

As Fiona said to her "Your fault was you were always looking for another version of motherhood!". Cordelia's last moment with Fiona popped up in her head, and it always made her black out, as if she didn't heard or could feel anything that was happening around her, as if she was leaving the world for a couple of minutes..

"Well let me show you your room?" Zoe suddenly interrupted, and signaled to the young witch to follow her up the white beautiful and elegant staircase. Halfway up, Cordelia snapped out of her heavy thinking turning towards them with a little smile on her mouth "If there is anything at all, just come to me! I'm here to help!" She said with a smile looking deep into the eyes of the young witch.

Cordelia quickly walked into the kitchen, and poured herself a cup of coffee, before she walked out into the living room, and looked at the big portrait of the beautiful woman she could call her mother. "You okay?" Queenie suddenly asked from behind her. Cordelia slightly turned around, while she took a deep breath, being a little embarrassed that Queenie caught her looking at a picture of her mother that she hated.

"I'm okay!" She nodded before she slowly walked over to the sofa and sat down. Queenie sat down on the opposite white sofa, with a concerned smile on her mouth. "....It's okay to miss her you know?" She said with a low voice. Cordelia gave Queenie a hard look. "I don't miss her. I don't miss a woman that was absent from most of my life, and that would have killed me if she hadn't become to weak at the end.." She almost yelled looking over at the picture, and giving Queenie a look that could burn right though her. "Hey, yo, I'm just trying to help okay ?" Queenie said irritated, before she stood up from the sofa. Delia jumped up as well, and walked over to Queenie. "Qu....Queenie I'm sorry.... I didn't mean to.... It's just.... It's hard..." She said with a low voice. Queenie gave her an 'it's okay' look before she gave her a long hug, and then went up to bed as well.

All the thoughts that were swirling in Cordelia's head made her really tired, and she felt she needed something stronger than just coffee. So she got herself a glass of Fiona's Bourborn from the old cocktail cabinet, in her own surprise, since she usually tried to stay away from alcohol....

She sat back in the sofa for quite a while, finishing up the glass, thinking about everything that had happened the last year. Everything with Fiona, her cheating and witch hunter of a husband, the huge success of the Coven.... something she was really proud of....

Her eyes became more and more heavy, and she almost gave after and let the sleep take over her body, just when she heard the clicking of expensive high heels on the parquet floor. "...You know that Bourborn is mine, just as all the powers that are vibrating out of your body!" She heard a deep, to familiar voice behind her...

Okey, new story again. I hope you guys like it, and I really appreciate feedback, of what you think is good and bad!
Thank you!

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