5. Mommy

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Miss Robichaux's Academy 1989:

"Now say goodbye to your Dad!" Fiona said almost pulling her daughter out of the black limo, parked just in front of the gates of Miss Robichaux's Academy. "He is not my Dad!" Cordelia said through gritted teeth. Fiona rolled her eyes, while she grabbed her arm and pulled her with her. "My Dad it dead!"' Cordelia continued with a low voice. Fiona looked down at her while they were walking "Yeah yeah yeah!" She said in a whisper.

They stopped in front of the gates of the Academy, before Fiona sat down on her knees in front of Cordelia. "Okay, Delia, I want you to be a good girl when you are her! This is a school, a very good school! So I want you to behave like the young women you are!" Fiona said with a soft voice, before she placed a soft kiss on her cheek. Fiona let her eyes wander over her beautiful daughter, before she slowly straightened her soft honey blond hair with the inside of her hands. Cordelia could feel hot tears starting to prickle in the back of her eyes, and her lip started shivering. "But I don't want to go mom!" She said while a tear ran down her pink cheek. Fiona's eyes softened. She didn't thought it was going be so hard to leave her only daughter, so she could go away with her new husband. She pulled Cordelia's body close to hers and gave her a tight hug, something Cordelia wasn't used to. Fiona was a cold person, and she had grown even colder after Cordelia's father died, and she married a rich business man, but she was still her mother. She was the only family Cordelia had left on this earth.

Cordelia was resting her head on her mother's shoulder. "Darling, it's going to be great! And you're a big girl now! You can't stay with Mommy forever!" She said, while her voice started to become more cold, it was a sudden change of attitude. It was like she turned her heart of... Fiona quickly pulled away from her young daughter, while Cordelia was holding on to her, like her life was depending on it! "Delia, Christ!" Fiona murmured angry, while she tried to pull Cordelia away from her. "Mother please! Don't leave me here! Take me with you please!" She cried now. Fiona rolled her eyes, before she slowly placed her delicate fingers, painted in black majestic nail polish under Cordelia's chin, and forced her to look straight into the ice-cold eyes of her mother, the person who gave birth to her, and once nursed her and took care of her like nothing else mattered. But now it was different. Anybody could see that, especially Cordelia... "Delia, I don't have time for this! So don't be a brat! And throw a tantrum!.... I'll come visit you some time during your spring brake! Okay!" She said with a stern voice, almost whispering it, making chills go through Cordelia's young body. The young girl could feel the anger rising from her mother, and she never knew what her mother could do if she just got angry enough. She knew what she was capable of; she was after all the supreme. The queen of the witches. Or as most people would put it... On of the most powerful creatures in the word.

She slowly nodded while she whipped her tears. "Okey, good good!" Fiona murmured, while she tried to catch her breath. She felt a lump building up in the back of her throat. She was actually going to leave her child there. She was leaving her only daughter, her only heritance, only months after her real father died. But she wasn't leaving her for good, she was coming back....

It was the right thing to do, that was what she kept telling herself. After her late husband died, Fiona couldn't help it but fall into some kind of depression. Her first marriage failed, and one thing led to another, and she found herself having drink after drink at the local bars in LA where she had been living for the last 10 years. Also where Cordelia had grown up. She wasn't trying to escape her daughter, but she was forcing her daughter to escape her, even though the child didn't wanted to do that. In her own head she had to help her doing that. She wasn't good for her, especially not at this important state in her daughter's life. She wanted Cordelia to be someone, be important, not like herself... She loved her daughter, and tried to do anything for her. But she also loved herself, maybe to much! She was a selfish bitch she admitted that, and especially after she met her new love, David, which she married soon after Cordelia's Dad died, or was killed....

It was an easy decision for her to make. He liked the same things as her, sex, danger, Bourbon and luxury... She needed to be a little wild, she needed some time after the sudden change in her life, when her husband past away. Suddenly she was all alone with a nine year old. The only solution she had was to go away, and she couldn't think of any other places to place her daughter at for a little while, other than in the town she grew up in, where she met Cordelia's father, also where she took matters in her own hands, and took the supremacy, maybe even to early? New Orleans was her final decision, Miss Robichaux's Academy, to be exact.

"Mommy!" Cordelia cried while she wrapped her short arms around Fiona's thin frame, while she inhaled Fiona's scent, which for her was just the smell of mommy, that once made her feel safe. Now it didn't felt so safe anymore... it felt different.

Fiona couldn't remember the last time her daughter called her that... She always called her "mother", or what hurt Fiona the most was when she called her by her first name. She knew she deserved it, but there was nothing she could do to stop herself from behaving this way. At this point in her life she was simply drawn to the dark and the mysteries. Cordelia was just a child, she couldn't be part of a lifestyle like that.

This crazy way of living unfortunately led to crazy nights with bourbon and cocaine, and other things no women would be proud of. It was the only thing that made her feel alive. It made her feel something. People called her selfish, and it was the truth. Fiona was selfish. But in Fiona's opinion she just had to be selfish then... That was her decision.

Fiona took a deep breath, and looked over at her husband waiting in the driver seat of the car, before she slowly placed her arms around Cordelia. "Mommy has to go now, Delia!" She said letting her hands through Cordelia's golden hair. Cordelia broke away from the hug, and looked up at her mother, the only family she had, while tears ran uncomfortably down her pink cheeks. Fiona slowly whipped away the tears under her daughters hazel eyes, and she knew she had to get hold on herself, because she knew that if she didn't... the goodbye would be much harder than it needed to be.

Fiona's eyes darkened, and she gave Cordelia a little push in the back, while she directed her inside of the gates, and towards the beautiful school. The huge majestic white painted building, surrounded by a beautiful garden, was in front of them. At the bottom of the steps, a red head was standing. Covered in a black and green coat. Fiona had her hand on Cordelia's back, and she didn't looked down at her daughter once, while she they walked towards Myrtle, who was her name. She had a little smirk on her lips, making Fiona raise her eyebrow at her, and giving her a cold glare.

"Huh! Long time no see!" Fiona whispered with a deep groggy voice towards Myrtle, while she almost pushed Cordelia over to her. "....Fiona!" Myrtle said with a soft calm voice, even though she couldn't stand the witch standing in front of her.

"Delia... This is Myrtle, she is going to be the one looking after you okay!?" She said trying to seem like a loving mother in front of the red head. Cordelia slowly looked up at Myrtle, who had a warm smile on her face, and she suddenly didn't felt so scared anymore, it was like a warm feeling invaded her body, but she still didn't wanted to be there, she wanted to go home.. She quickly turned around towards her mother, but she wasn't there anymore...

Fiona walked down the short pat, in her black stilettos, and beautiful black and red dress that hugged her curves perfectly. Her golden curls were swaying in the wind, while she lit a cigarette. She took a long drag, before she turned around and gave Cordelia an emotionless look, before she turned again, and moved elegantly over to the car like a black cat, where her husband was waiting for her. Her stepfather, whom she hated more that her mother at this state, wrapped his big possessive arms around her mother's frame, and placed a hard kiss on her lips, making a silent tear, run down Cordelia face, when she saw how her mother embraced David....

Cordelia felt a big lump building up in the back of her throat, and she felt so alone.... First her father, and now her mother.

Her mother had left her.

She had dumped her there.

"Come on darling, let's go inside!" Myrtle suddenly said with a warm voice, while she carefully placed her left arm around the unsecure child and led her inside the school, while hot tears ran down Cordelia's face....

Again.... I'm really sorry I haven't been updating for ages. But I'm super busy with schoold and stuff.
Anyway I hope you like it, and I really appreciate that you take your time to read my stories! Please let me know that you think about this?! I need some inspiration, eventhough I have some thoughts about where I'm going with this...😏

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 20, 2016 ⏰

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