3. I loved you plenty

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"...How...how is this possible?" Cordelia asked while she wrapped her arms around her thin frame. Fiona chuckled, while she was drawing circles on top of her glass, which was now empty. "....Huh....well, I made a deal with someone!" Fiona whispered, getting goosebumps on her back, thinking back to the time she was caught in the little cabin, with her lover.... The way she woke up every day, and not being able to remember anything. She didn't even know how long she was there...... But after a while, something that seemed like an eternity, John, the Axeman, and her lover started treating her like she was nothing, making her pay because of how she portrayed him. It made her feel even more powerless than what she already was without her powers. He made her suffer because of the way she manipulated him.... But it was one day, a little while after John had slapped her, so hard that she hit the floor and was laying there helpless for hours, that Papa Legba suddenly appeared a while after while she was laying in the bed trying to understand everything that was happening around her.... She had to pay for her sins. She had to pay for all of her sins, before he was letting her go, and it was a lot of them, and it surprised Fiona that she only stayed there for a year, but it seemed like an eternity, before she could live for ever...... She didn't asked any questions, afraid for once, afraid what Papa Legba or her lover would do to her.  But one day, before she even knew it she woke up in an expensive hotel room in LA, without no memory. But everything was coming slowly back to her mind, and she almost remember everything now.

"MOTHER!!!" Cordelia suddenly interrupted her thoughts. Fiona snapped out of her heavy thinking, and answered Cordelia's question, she had asked several minutes earlier "...I have been in hell!" She whispered while she felt a lump building up in their throat. She looked up at Cordelia with her dark eyes that almost reflected all the darkness she had experienced during her lifetime. Cordelia looked at her with big eyes, before a smirk appeared on her lips "Well of course you have!" Fiona quickly looked up at her shocked, and raised an eyebrow when Cordelia talked back at her, before a little smirk grew on her lips "Hah, well I suppose that's right!" She laughed making a little laugh escape Cordelia's lips as well.

The two witches just stood glaring at each other for a while, before Fiona suddenly looked around, studying all the portraits at the wall of former Supremes, including one of herself "So how has it been darling?" Fiona asked with a light voice. Cordelia could see the sadness in Fiona's hazel eyes, and she tried to be nice to her, even though she just wanted to see her death again. "...Well It's been good.... A lot of knew girls have gotten here..... !" She said trying to gain eye contact. Fiona did everything she could to look at something different that her daughter whom she loved more than anything, even more than herself at this state. It was hurting too much to look into the eyes of her beloved daughter who she on purpose had made a plan on killing, portraying a man she loved on the way, of not losing the supremacy.

Fiona fought hard trying not to cry and be weak in front of Cordelia yet again..... Like the day she died in her arms with no powers left, not even her dignity, in Fiona's opinion.

"Mother.....?" Cordelia asked while she slowly sat down on her knees in front of her mother, who looked sick while she rested her head back on the chair, and her arms dangling down from the armrest. "Mhm...?" Fiona murmured while all the thoughts of how she had threaten her daughter during their time together. Fiona slowly turned her gaze over at her daughter, and looked straight into Cordelia's eyes that reminded her so much of her father, her former husband, who came to an very unpleasant ending.

Cordelia looked at her with eyes big as marbles. "I don't understand. Why are you here?... why are you coming back?" She started with a frustrated breathful voice. "..I..!" Fiona started but Cordelia quickly cut her off. "Are you back to kill me? To kill all of us?" She asked angry. "Hah.." a high-pitched laugh escaped Fiona's lips yet again. She straighten up in the chair, and moved her body closer to Cordelia. "I'm not here to kill you!" She whispered with a harsh voice. Cordelia stood up, and looked down at Fiona who straighten the curls on her dress, before she weakly stood up too. "You honestly want me to believe that huh?" she said with a low voice, looking straight into the eyes of her mother, and the woman who wanted to see her dead. Fiona sighted, before she bent down at pulled out a cigarette, and lit it with a lighter laying on the black elegant table. She looked down at the white cigarette while she inhaled, before she blew out the smoke in Cordelia's face, making her back of. "Dum, paranoid, stupid girl!" She said with a low voice, before she sat down again. This time a short laugh escaped Cordelia's lungs. "Paranoid huh? Really?... well you can't really blame me for that can you? After all you made a plan of killing us all, including me your only daughter... You even got your lover killed. That much you wanted to see me dead!" Cordelia whispered angry, trying to control herself. Fiona took a deep breath before she closed her eyes tight remember everything she did, thinking about John. She had never loved anybody before him, but she was asking herself if she loved him, or if she just loved herself so much that she couldn't let go of life, and most importantly the supremacy.  

She slowly opened her eyes again and looked up at Cordelia who had her arms crossed over her chest, in protection. "...I...I'm sorry I did as I did. I wasn't...!" Fiona said with a soft voice, before Cordelia sat down in front of her hand placer both her hand on Jessica legs that where crossed. "You are crazy! Do you know that?" She asked while her eyes where all red and puffy. Fiona had to fight back the tears that tried to escape her eyes at this point. She knew she was a horrible mother. "Good, you died before you got the change to kill us all. Didn't felt so good then did it?! All weak no powers left.... Just falling apart right in front of me...!" Cordelia said while tears came down her cheeks, making a single tear escape Fiona's eyes as well. Fiona quickly whipped away the tear before she looked up at Cordelia again "...I .. just... I'm sorry Delia!" She whispered on the edge of breaking apart. The anger was building up in Cordelia's body. "I don't give a shit about what you are saying, I'm your daughter... and you never loved me!" She screamed. Just when she said that Fiona placed the cigarette down on the ashtray, before she stood up and grabbed Cordelia's upper arm and pulled her closer to her "I loved you plenty!" She said with a low angry voice. Cordelia laughed when she heard Fiona say that. "That's a piece of bullshit! And you know it!" She almost spat in Fiona's face. Cordelia could hear Fiona's teeth grind together. "I loved you more than anything in the world!" She whispered, this time while tears ran down her face, before she loosened her grip around Cordelia's arm, and carefully rubbed her arm, afraid she had hurt her with her hard grip. "You have to believe me when I say that Delia!" She said with a soft voice, while she tried to place the palm of her hand on Cordelia's cheek, but Cordelia flinched away, making Fiona slowly pull her own arm back to her own body. "Well then you have a great way showing it, I have to say!" Cordelia said with a low voice. "Why couldn't you just be a normal mother? Huh? Christ you sent me away as soon as you got the opportunity!" Cordelia continued angry. It was like all the tensions was leaving Fiona's body when her daughter said that. "I had to do that Delia.... I... it was... I....!" She started with a shaking voice. "What?" Cordelia yelled. "..I saw my own death in your eyes. I knew you were the one killing me. From the minute I gave birth to you, you sucked the life out of my body!" She yelled back, before she covered her mouth with her hands, and looked at Cordelia with big eyes. "Delia I didn't....!" She started. A sad smile was formed on Cordelia's lips. "That's the reason you have been like you have towards me! All my life. And I just thought you didn't liked me!" She laughed sarcastically while she backed away from her mother. "Delia it was nothing personal!" Fiona said with a deep voice. Cordelia just smirked before she sat down in the sofa behind her. Fiona just looked at her for a little while before she took a hard grip around the armrests and sat down in the white beautiful chair, in front of Cordelia.

Fiona lit another cigarette, before she looked over at Cordelia again, who seemed like she was thinking a lot. "What is it darling?" Fiona asked while she blew the smoke out of her mouth. Cordelia looked down onto her lap, playing with her fingers before her gaze met Fiona. "What's you plan?" She asked trying not to feel intimidating by her mother. Fiona chuckled, knowing exactly how her daughter felt. "Are you planning on taking the supremacy back!" Cordelia asked sarcastic. A smirk grew on Fiona's face. "Hah, darling, I don't need to take it back..... I already have it!" She said with a low voice.

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