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(New book maybe. Lol vote comment yeah!!!! First chapter! Love yall!)

Getting out of the car I stared up at the school, great another year.

"Have a good day sweetie." my mom squealed.

"Bye mom." I waved

Turning around I started up the side walk and to my first class. Ugh school. Why is it starting so early? It's so stupid! They expect us to go year round! What is that! Picking my head up I looked at the door, taking a deep breath I dropped my shoulders, and opened the door.

"Summer!" A high squeaky voice shouted.

Turning around I smiled to find my best friend, "Caroline!" I screamed back.

"I'm so excited, first day of school which means....boys!"

Oh boy here we go. Caroline has a little obsession with boys, she is totally boy crazy! Which drives me nuts sometimes! Hey! I like boys too, but I haven't had a crush on one since ninth grade, never really cared for a relationship either. I mean, yes, they're great to look at, but I get so sick of them after a while.

"So" she nudged my shoulder. " Shall we."

I rolled my eyes and started walking towards our lockers. What a year this going to be.

"Ok so Brandon is going to meet us."

"Who's Brandon?" I asked trying to find my phone.

"This guy I met over the summer." Caroline smirked.

"Oh I see a summer romance." I rolled my eyes.

"It was more than that." she twirled around

I swear she's loony in the head. Sometimes I wander if her brains made of jello. I shook my head and went rummaging through my bag once more.

"Ha! Found it!" I said to myself

Just as I was pulling it out I hit something hard which made my bag fall causing papers to fall out, and that made me drop my phone. Erg what a day so far!

"I'm sorry." A thick accent rang through my ears.

I looked up to see a very handsome boy around 6'2. He had stunning blue eyes and brown hair with blonde highlights. His right ear was pierced, which made his eyes shine even brighter. Next I noticed a grin with perfect teeth, on the side of his grin were dimples. Damn he's gorgeous.

"Here let me help you with that." he bent down.

I shook my head and closed my eyes for a second. It's like I was in some kind of trance, wow maybe I hit my head on his masculine body....wait a second all my things dropped maybe I should get them.

Before I could bend down, the boy popped back up and handed me my bag our hands brushing against one another, chills ran through me. His slightly tanned skin made me look even whiter than usual.

"Thanks." I mumbled wide eyed at him.

"No problem, it's the least I could do." why is he smiling so much?

"Well Im going to go now." I said walking past him.

Wait where did Caroline go? Great just great.

"You looking for someone?" that accent! It's Irish isn't it! Has to be.

" Just for my friend Caroline. We were supposed to walk to my locker together." I whispered the last part.

"Here I'll walk you."

"It's ok I can go by myself."

"I don't mind."

"Maybe I do."

"I don't see why." he smirked. Erg that smirk.

"Because I don't know you." I raised an eyebrow.

"We can always get to know each other on our way there."

Opening my mouth I was interrupted by a high squeaky voice, "There you are! Where did you go?!"

"I didn't go anywhere." I turned around. I'm such a smart ass sometimes.

"Ugh whatever stubborn. Who were you talking to?" she winked.

"Not sure. What's your na-" he was gone.

"Ummmm ok? Yeah why don't we go to our lockers then."

What the heck? No one can disappear that fast! Shaking my head I ran my hand through my hair. Why do I care? I don't even know him. But he is what the heck is wrong with me?!

"Earth to Summer!" a finger snapped in my face.

"What?" I looked up in awe.

"Uh, I was just wandering what you have first mod."

"Oh, um," arching an eyebrow I looked up in thought, "History."

"Dang I have science blocked." she thought for a minute. "What about third?"

"Science blocked second and third and fourth show choir. Also I have second lunch."

"Yay I do to!" we both laughed.

"Well I better get going to history." Opening up my mouth, I stuck my tongue out and pointed to the back of my throat.

Caroline started cracking up, doesn't take much to make her laugh. I smiled, turned around, and headed towards the social studies section.


"So this is world History." the teacher began. "Honors!"

Oh man better watch out! It's honors! This is going to be a very long class.

"So today we are going to work on Charlamegn, cavemen, etc....We're reviewing then getting right down to business!" he nodded his head, to say as though it was a fact.

Rolling my eyes, I looked down at my blank sheet of paper. This is what we are supposed to take notes on? I now this stuff already. Picking up my pencil I just started doodling on the piece of paper. When suddenly I don't feel so comfortable.

Rolling my shoulders back, I tilted my head side to side. Is there something on my face? Why do I feel so weird? Self-concious? Looking all around me, I didn't see anyone staring at me. Must be in my head. Shrugging my shoulders, I picked up my pencil and looked down at my paper.

A silent gasp escaped my lips. Looking around I found no one heard it. So I looked back down and read the words.

'Meet me at lunch?'

What....who? I got that uncomfortable feeling again. Sliding down further in my seat, I looked down again. My eyes widened.

'I'll be outside on the bench by the tree. Can't wait to see you. ;)'

Uhhhhh. Ummmm. I'm freaking out. What the heck? Who is that? How could they have done that? Looking around frantically I found no one paying any attention to me. Oh crap....I'm scared.

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