The Funny Thing About Dreams

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It's been a month since I last saw that Irish boy, and yet every night I dream about him. Sitting up I turned on my light next to my bed. Looking over my shoulder I saw that it was 4:14 in the freakin morning. Ugh! Every night this happens! I've only had a continuation of a dream maybe like twice in my life! I don't even know his name! And another thing, every time I wake up I swear I see him! I'm not going crazy here people its been everyday for a month! He's either standing in a corner, sitting at the end of my bed, or somewhere next to me.

Other times I feel something laying beside me, or rather, it's touching my protectively. Honestly it's soothing, I feel like my face is on a hard cushion that smells like a not so strong version of axe. It all calms me down, I'm totally weak and's weird. Anyways back on him being in my room! We would stare at each other for a moment, then when I got brave enough I would crawl out of my covers to where our faces were almost touching. He would reach out and brush a strand of my bangs to the side, my hand reached up to touch him, but instead it either met a wall or air. Now that was only the past week, the other days he would be gone immediately, or we would stare then all of a sudden I was staring at a white wall.

I don't understand any of it! It drives me insane! I combed my fingers through my hair out of frustration. And on top of that I have four major tests I have to study for, my job I have to go to, tutoring sessions, volunteer work, my mom and sister have been fighting (as usual), and of course my parents are stressing me out! I need sleep but I can't get any! No matter what I do! No matter how hard I try, I just can't do it! Ugh!

Tears started pouring from my eyes. "I can't take all of this!" I whispered to myself, "I don't even know why I'm crying right now! I'm such a freakin cry baby!" My head fell in my hands as I wept some more.

"No babe your not." There was a low whisper. I picked up my head and saw a dark angelic angel walking towards me. His eyes as bright as blue fire in the dark night. My eyes widened in awe.

He sat down next to me and brushed my cheek with his hand, "You're under a lot of pressure, you need sleep." He looked me dead in the eye,"lay down for me." He gently pushed me back on the bed, "now don't think to much alright?" He brushed my hair to the side.

I tilted my head and brought up an arm, holding his cheek in my hand he leaned into it. I smirked, for some odd reason and brushed my thumb back and forth on his cheek.

"Go to bed my princess." He started to get up, but I grabbed his hand.

Taking heavy breaths I brought him down to the bed and looked into his eyes once more, "Who-who are you? Why are you here? How did you get in? I'm so confused and...." Before I knew it to giant hands placed around the side of my face and brought me up so our lips were now touching. It lasted for a few minutes, my hands rummaged through his hair as he still held in to my face.

When we finally separated, I was in a dazed state. He lashed me back down, got up, and pecked my lips. Walking away, he had that kind of swag walk but more gentle man like, I guess you could say? Anyways just as he made it to the window he turned around and looked at me.

"My names Cameron." He smiled and just before I knew it I was blanketed by blackness.

*beep, beep, beep, beep*

I woke up with perspiration covering my body. My breath was heavy, my mouth dry. I looked over at my clock and saw that it was 6:45. Turning it off I turned back around on my bed and put my hand in my hair, stating at my purple and black comforter my breath caught in my throat. It was was all a dream....


Was it a dream? Was it really? Hmmmmm. Well I have a few ideas for the next chapter muahahaha! Sorry if it wasn't interesting, but I needed it so sorry :/. Please vote and comment my peeps! Spread the word! I want to get it big!!!!

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