My Own World

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It's cold, I've never been so cold in my life. But even though I'm frozen, I feel free. Does that make any sense? No probably not. But does it matter? I smiled and turned my head to the side looking at the grass and flowers that surrounded me, snow sprinkling on top of it. It was so beautiful, I could see the snow on my eyelashes as I fluttered them up and down, I could taste the sweetness of them as they fell on my lips. I love the snow. It's funny, I don't even feel cold anymore.

I closed my eyes and turned my head towards the sky. Is there no pain in the afterlife? Is there no love? I wander what's really out there through the thick snow. Is there sun or more snow? Is it raining or completely storming?

"I would say it's sunny." A deep voice answered, sitting down next to me.

"How would you know?" I smirked, with my eyes still closed.

"I guess that's the thing, I don't know I just believe."

"I believe in a lot of different things, but a lot of them are irrelevant and fictional....well other than god I mean." I opened one eye and looked over, "I'm not trying to be religious though." I shut my eye again.

"Yes I understand." He paused, "just think of this, don't judge a book by its cover." I looked up at him as he winked.

"Ok ill try to remember that. Anything else?" I corked my head to the side.

"Yes, listen, people always have an explanation and don't be so argumentative." He laughed and I smiled.

"What can I say? I can't help it!" He rolled his eyes and got up, brushing snow off of his robe.

"Are you God?" I asked suddenly.

"I am what you believe me to be, some say I'm death others say I'm Zeus."

"Do you know where I am?"

"You are in a world of your own, you have to answer that one your own." He started to walk away, "oh and your friends coming so be ready and remember my advice."

"What friend?"

"You will will see." With that he faded into the light. I had to hand it to him he definitely put on a show. He was pretty darn cool, I liked him.

I turned my head back around and stared up at the sky once more. Watching all the snow fall from the sky to the ground, making it a wonderland. I really like it here, maybe I can live here forever.

"No you wouldn't want that." A deep accent rang in my ears.

"Why?" I turned my head to where I thought the voice came from, but there was nothing.

"You can't live away from civilization."

I turned my head back to the sky, "it's a lot easier this way." I mumbled.

"It may be but there are people up there waiting for you." Something touched my hand, "you're so cold."

I looked up into Cameron's eyes and for some reason felt guilty. So I looked away, not wanting to look any longer.

"Are you not cold?" He brushed hair out of my face.

"I-I can't feel it any-any more." I stuttered.

"Summer," he looked worried, "you need to stay warm." He sounded a little angry, "we need to find shelter." He looked around trying to find something.

"There's a cabin," I nodded my head towards the medium sized cabin, just outside the woods. Wait where did that come from? Oh well whatever, if its my world weird things are going to happen all the time.

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