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AN: TRIGGER WARNING: suicide mention
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Lynn's POV

When had anyone stayed in a dream this long to know so much about it? It probably happened a lot.. But why didn't more people know about it? So many questions raced around, I was restless, trying to sleep. Alexa sure didn't have any problems with sleeping. I chuckled as I watched her sleep. She was so cute.

How was all this possible?
Was Alexa real?
Was I real?

Some time during the night, I fell asleep, not long before Alexa is shaking me awake.
"What?" I groaned, and she giggled.
"Nothing.. I just missed you."
She leans down to press her soft lips to mine, something I wish was more familiar. Our lips move together, and I begin to think this shouldn't be done so early in the morning. My heart jumped and my breath felt like it was being taken away from me. When she pulled away with a giggle, I could tell she knew, I could tell she knew I liked her. Oh shit. I was blushing. And she was giggling again.
I punched her arm and rolled my eyes playfully. "Shush." I said, but she didn't.
"Aw, is the little baby embarrassed?" she teased.
"I'm not a baby!" I pouted.
"Ooh, how old are you..?"
"I'm seventeen.." Her eyes got bright.
"ME TOO!" she practically yelled, and suddenly, I wanted to know everything about her. Including why she was there.
"Alexa?" My face got serious, I wasn't laughing anymore. "Can I ask you something?"
She looked scared, but still nodded.
"It's kinda personal.." I said.
"Just say it."
I paused a moment before asking. "How did you get here? How'd you get it a coma?"
Another pause. Longer this time. She was looking at the ground with a blank expression. I was still laying down so I sat up so I could give her my full attention.

"I tried to commit." She finally said, her voice sounded so... different.
"I'm sorry for asking." She shrugged, seeming to go back to "normal" pretty quick.
"It's alright."
I wanted to ask her more about it, but I couldn't..
"I took a bunch of pills, because I felt alone and worthless, like I didn't matter to anyone." She said, I'm guessing she could see the look in my eyes.
Suddenly, something dawned on me. "Oh, no Alexa! I-I wasn't trying to kill myself, I just fell asleep on the water.. I didn't even know I could've died."
"It's okay." she shook her head. I hugged her tightly, genuinely wanting her to know I'm there for her.
"You matter to me." I said, and rubbed her back soothingly.
"You matter to me, too."

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 06, 2015 ⏰

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