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Alexa's POV

There's so much good and bad to Lynn finally coming here. I knew someone like her would, and try to get me out. It's just the way it works. And I told myself I wouldn't talk to that person, or even look at that person. But it just so happened to be Lynn, and she was the one that talked to me. She didn't care about my eyes. She didn't care that I was different, so I don't care if I'll end up leaving, but only if it's with her.

Lynn's POV

I glance at Alexa, and wonder what she's thinking...but I start to think I want some answers.
She looks over at me. "Hm?"
"I.. remember when you asked me if I knew I was dreaming? And you said you've been 'dreaming' for a long time?" She nods, and I don't think she's too thrilled that I'm asking about this, but I really wanna know..
"What do you mean? Are you lucid dreaming or..?"
A moment or two of silence passes, and I'm afraid I've upset her..
"I'm not lucid dreaming, I'm... I've been in a coma.." she replies, still looking into my eyes, so intently I almost feel like I can't breath with her looking at me like that.
"How do you know?" I wonder, and she simply says, "I haven't woken up in a long time."
Hearing that was a bit discerning, and I don't exactly know how I feel about it... but I do know I'd like to stay with her. Forever. Dreaming or not.
"And.." She continues, "You're in a coma, too."
My eyes widen and... I was shocked that she said that. "What?... How do you know?"
"Your eyes. They're missing the whites, but yesterday, when I first met you, the whites were there.. So now our eyes are the same."
ohmygod... I'm in a coma?!
I didn't speak. I tore my eyes away from hers and looked back at the sky.
"What happened, Lynn? Do you know what sent you into a coma..?"
I shook my head. "I... I was crossing the road and..." Then, a realization hit me... well, a car probably hit me.. wow. I'm in a coma because a car- or a truck- hit me. How lame.
"A car.." I choked out, feeling really fucking dumb.
Silence. Then laughter. Alexa was laughing. And then I was laughing, too. It felt great to laugh.. until Alexa hit my arm.
"Ow.." I complained as she sat up and looked down at me.
"Lynn! You idiot! You could be dying, you could have died, why on earth... what?" she spilled.
I was smiling- no I was beaming. Because Alexa really cared about me. So I sat up and crawled into her lap, and she just held me. I tried not to cry, but I did a bit.. Despite having a good laugh about being in a coma because of a car, it was still scary, and I think Alexa understood. Thank god for Alexa..

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