Chapter 5

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Based on the TV show Dance Academy


After I finished up the dance, I grabbed my water bottle and took a big gulp.

"Ms. Whitney, you obviously have a outstanding talent that needs working on but... I know your relationship with ballet," said the head manager of the Austin Ballet getting up.

"How do I know this is not a phase?"

I'm so sick of repeating myself but that's what I get for being an idiot.

"I know it's not a phase because," I look up at Lucy's face. If I am good at facial expressions, she thinks I'm gonna blow this. I kind of think so too. No, I can't.

"I know it's not because, I love dance..."

"A lot of girls love dance. Doesn't mean they'll make it." The manager said interrupting me.

"I wasn't finished. I love dance, and I've always been the one that's been 'The Best'. I had nothing to work towards to. I got bored." I took another deep breath because I was still recovering from the demanding dance.

"But dance is more than being the best. I didn't realize that as a dumb teen. I do now. Dance is about expressing yourself. I dealt with a lot of problems and pain with ballet. And doing that as a carreer...sounds incredible."

The manager picks up his papers and notes.

"I agreed to see you dance because I trust Lucinda's opinion. Your dance was outstanding for someone that hasn't had a classical ballet class in two years but, I've heard that speech a thousand times. Didn't empress me much there."

I nod trying my best not cry.

"I also believe in fairness. I won't let you in the Austin Ballet just because of Lucinda or Marcus."

He shakes Lucy's hand, comes over to me and says, "I'll think about this audition."

I nod and smile. I thought this was going to go better.

Lucy gets out of her chair and comes over to me.

"You didn't do bad! He kept complimenting you with words like, 'outstanding'! I'm pretty sure that is a good thing!" She hugs me. I don't put my arms around her back.

"Can I just have some alone time right now, Lucy?" I ask.

Lucy nods and grabs her things. Before she opens the door she says, "Your mother would be very proud of you."

I smile. But I don't know if it was real.

I gather all of my things and then opened the door.

Ben was standing right there with fist up in the air as he was about to knock.

"Hey, um... Lucinda told me about your audition," I could barely concentrate on what he was saying as he was very sweaty. "How did it go?"

It took me a second to realize he asked me a question.

"I don't know." I would have said terrible but I still don't know what to say to him after he told me about...


Ben nods.

"If you don't mind me asking, why are so..." I didn't want to be rude but he was very sweaty.

"Sweaty?" He finished my sentence. He chuckles slightly.

"Rachel has the car and I wanted to see your audition." His face turns red after he said that, and it was because he talked about Rachel. So I wouldn't to ruin the moment, I ignored it.

"Wait, so you ran all the way from your apartment to here, just to see an audition that might not even work out?"

I will admit, that's a little adorable.

I didn't say that.

He chuckles. "When you say it like that it sounds a little crazy..."

"No," I say disagreeing. "Its cute."

After I say that I feel my cheeks burn. He has a girlfriend of almost a whole entire YEAR.

Ben blushes too, and held in a smile.

"There is a pretzel stand next to the park, and they're HUGE!" He says changing the subject, I think.

"Okay..." I laugh confused why he brought that up.

"No no, let me finish. I was wondering if you would like to get one in celebration of your audition?"

"Is Rachel coming?" I ask to remind him and myself that he is not single.

"Like I said, she has the car..."

I give him a motion to let him know to keep going.

"I don't have the car..."

I give him the motion again.

"No, she's not coming. I didn't want to make it awkward. Ya know, you guys aren't friends, this is your day."

I nod and smile.

"I guess I don't have anything better to do." I joke.

We both laugh and Ben leads the way to the park.

While we were walking, our hands kept bumping into each other, and each time it did he would apologize. Which I think is ridiculous.

It's Rachel's fault if you are confused.


After we ordered the pretzels, he insisted that he paid.

"You just got here in Texas, this is just like a welcome home type of favor. Except, this isn't really your home." We laugh.

I finally gave up and let him pay.

We sat on the bench together, and watched the fountain.

In this generation, people would think it's strange that I'm having a good time, just by watching a fountain and in the presence of someone I love.

No phones, no technology whatsoever. Just Ben and I talking.


I feel absolutely terrible, but I am going to break up with Rachel.

I don't want to waste my life pretending to love someone.

I'm acting like Rachel's the love of my life when I know Grace is.

To be continued...

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