On a sunlit sidewalk

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This is a poem on a mysterious boy always found sitting on the sidewalks on the 21st street... Enjoy (:


Out on the side-walk

just across the street,

opposite to my bedroom window,

sat a boy named Grey Creek.

Out on the side-walks

there sat a boy.

Hours and hours at end,

at times,

days and nights, sometimes...

Out on the sidewalks

just across the street,

he remained sitting there,

gazing off into empty air,

never a smile, nor a frown

Out on the side-walks

there always sat a boy.

A straw hat on his head

and a pocket watch in his hand.

Out on the lonely crub,

sat the kid everyone called Gray,

come scorching sun, rain or sleet,

you'd still find him, sitting right there, across twenty-first street.

One day as I passed

I turned back around,

Hey kid,

why do you sit

on the side-walks here about.

The boy looked at me,

with a far off look,

I'm waiting for the post man,

and with that, he turned back to stare at whatever he stared at during the time he sat on the pavement of the street opposite to our house.

Years later, after I had shifted to the city,

I visited the house in which I used to once live in.

In our place, moved in an elderly couple,

with their permission,

I make my way to my old haven,

The room now changed,

a sofa taking my beds place,

a glass cabinet where my table was,

an antique lamp where I kept my toy trains...

And out of the now blue curtained window I look,

to the street where that boy sat...

The dear old lady comes and stands by and says in a voice as soft as the melody of the winds playing with the blades of grass in a medow green;

" Just opposite to this window, across twenty-first street,

there sits a boy of naught but eighteen...

He sits by here, everyday,

wearing a straw hat and holding a pocket watch in his hands...

I asked him once, why he sat there...

He replied that he was waiting for the post-man

and with that he turned back to stare off into space...

After which I never heard from him,

ever again...

_______~ Souls_lost

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