Chapter 6

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Alex's POV:

I was playing X-box with Drew when the door knocked. I sighed and paused the game. I opened the door to reveal a crying Riley. She pushed past me and ran upstairs. Drew came from the lounge room "What happened to her?" I shrugged. Where's James? "" He asks out of breath. "She's at Maria's house." I lie. I fumble with my thumbs. It happens when I lie. It's a bad habit. "I run 2 fucking blocks to end up at the wrong house?!" He yells to no one in particular. "Fuck!" He exclaims

"Your very unfit for someone that does football" I say. He gives me a death glare. I put my hands up as if the police were pointing a gun at me. He mumbles some colourful words under his breath "See you" he says walking out the door. I close the door and turn around to see Drew leaning on the door frame "She's upstairs...why'd you lie?" He asks "You told me to be nice. So I'm gonna be nice by fixing her problem" I say while walking upstairs. I notice he's following me, I give him a 'WTF' look "Well if your starting your part of the bet now so should I!" He exclaims.

I knock on her door "Who is it?" I hear a small voice "It's Alex..and Drew" I say. I hear some shuffling and the door opened to reveal a teary stained Riley. "Hi" she whispers "Can we come in?" Drew asks. She nods. We walk in and see One Direction, Blood on the dance floor, Greenday, AC/DC, Three doors down, Breaking Benjamin-Phobia and many more bands. I turn around and see a wall full of Soccer. It had single pictures or team. I'm guessing she loved Barcelona since there were so many of them. I sit on her bed which is comfy "What happened?" I ask "What do you mean?" She asks whilst biting her lip "Why'd you come home crying! Duh!" Drew exclaimed, I slapped him behind the head "I why are you crying?" He asked...weirdly may I add. She gave him a 'WTF' look and shook her head. She took a deep breath. My eyebrows furrowed, what happened?

Drew'a POV:

"I went to the store to buy some stuff for Maria and...I bumped into someone and that someone.....was my brother,Xavier. He promised me the day he turns 18, he will adopt me. He turned 19. A few months ago..." A tear rolled down her cheek "He promised but never came...I yelled demanding an was because he was getting a fucking slut! I hated her. I told him to fuck off and then I bumped into someone yet again...James. He saw Xavier and started telling him what a bad brother he was blah blah blah blah. And then I ran out of the shop...and came...home" she whispered the last word "What happened to your parents?" I blurt out, accidentally.

Alex gave me 'Are you stupid?' look. I shrug. "They died in a car crash. Coming from a dinner. The other driver was drunk he also died" she says quietly. I touched her thigh, and she flinched. What? I poke her and she squeezes her eyes shut. Alex noticed this "Riley, what's wrong with your thigh?" Alex asks "I..banged it on the side....of the..table" she says biting her lip. I pull up her sweatpants but she try's pushing my hand away. Alex gives me a look "One question: don't you just hate it when people don't wear shorts under like really short skirts?" I ask hoping to trick her "I know right! That's why everywhere I go, I always have shorts on. Even under pants."

I smirk and give Alex the 'Go' signal. I straddle her waist and push her back and hold her hands above her head. She struggles, Alex bends down and starts taking off her sweatpants. No, we are not going to rape her. That's just wrong. I hear Alex gasp. I turn around and my eyed widen. I see many cuts and see 4 newly fresh cuts. I get off Riley and bend down to get a better look. I brush her thigh lightly "Why?" I ask. She shrugs "No no no no! Don't give us that we went a real answer!" Alex yelled.

"What the fuck do you want me to say?!" She yelled back "We want to help you!!" I yell "I don't need help! I don't need you! I don't need anyone!" She yells. Silence "Get. Out." She says sternly "No.' I say. She looks up, her eyes...we're black. Not the normal chocolate-y brown they usually are "GET THE FUCK OUT OF MY ROOM!!" she yells loudly. Alex was going to complain but I put my hand to his chest. Hard. "If she wants to fight alone. Let her. Just remember one thing Riley, if you ever need us...we'll be here to help." I say. "Get out!" She yells again. I pull Alex out of the room and into his.

"Why do you think she cuts?" I ask "I don't know. But what I do know is that I have a cutter of a sister" After what just could he say that?

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