Zustin: Home.

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Self-made prompt: It's been two years since Zayn and Justin graduated. And two years since Justin joined the army. What happens when he turns back home and instead of seeing the only person he expects, he meets someone else as well?

Warning: Male Pregnancy.


Justin and Zayn.

Zayn and Justin.

They had been together for two years when they graduated and Justin decided to join the military,just like his father had done in the past,before he died. He wanted his father to be proud of him. Zayn absolutely supported his boyfriend's decision,even though he already knew how difficult that would be for both of them. A month after their graduation, it was time for Justin to leave.

Zayn still remembered every single moment of that day. He had missed Justin,more than anything. And on top of that,everything reminded him of his fiancé. Yes,fiancé. Justin had proposed that night before he left,promising that he would be back to marry him. Zayn always cried whenever he thought about him or touched the ring on his finger.

Instead of just giving up though,he stayed strong. Not only for Justin,but for a little special someone as well.

Zayn had a son. A little baby boy,who was now seventeen months old. He gave birth seven months after Justin's departure,but he never revealed it to him. Not even in the letters they exchanged every few weeks. The thing was,he didn't want Justin to worry about them while being miles away. He could do it alone until Justin came back and he also had the help of his parents and Justin's mother. Trisha and Pattie had supported him through everything,especially because Andrès was born prematurely.

Zayn decided to name their baby Andrès since it came from the greek name Andreas,which meant 'man' and 'warrior'. His baby,being a preemie,was a warrior, a fighter,just like his father.

It had been two months and Justin hadn't in any way contact any of them and Zayn was beyond afraid. He had no idea of what might have happened to his fiancé and when he sent a second letter to him,it came back,unread. He was scared. Not only because he wouldn't see Justin again,but because his baby wouldn't ever meet his other father.


It was now Wednesday and he woke up later than usual,the time being ten in the morning. Which was definitely weird,because Andrés usually woke up at six am screaming and crying for his dad. That made Zayn get up quickly and go check on his son.

The baby was still sleeping peacefully in his crib,with his thumb in his mouth. Zayn cooed at the sight and slowly rubbed Andrés' belly to wake him up,only to have the baby roll to his side with his back to Zayn. The latter chuckled lightly and picked him up, cradling him to his chest. Andrés slowly whined and opened his eyes,grinning when he saw his daddy's face.

Zayn took him to the kitchen and prepared his bottle while getting a yogurt out of the fridge for both of them. He was glad that his son liked to share and basically ate everything. Andrés wasn't a difficult baby,except when it came to his sleeping schedule. He was grumpy if he woke up early, he threw a fit if he didn't have a nap in the afternoon and he hated when Zayn would put him early in bed at night. Other than that,he was the most quiet baby.

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