Ziall: Fights Happen

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~Zayn and Niall fighting~

Note: In this one, Zayn is still in the band, they aren't on a break and Zayn and Niall have come out as a couple.


They weren't supposed to be fighting. It was their second movie's premiere and they should be happy. Zayn was devastated and disappointed even though he should be excited about 'This Is Us 2' coming out. How could he, though? How, when his own boyfriend of four years made it almost clear to him that he doesn't see them as a couple in the future?

Let's take it from the beginning.

It was Niall's birthday the day before the premiere and Zayn had prepared a huge surprise for Niall. Except for the party he had organized with the boys and the usual presents, he had also something else in order. He was nervous about showing it to Niall, but thankfully, his band mates had reassured him that everything would be perfect. He wouldn't have to worry about Niall not liking it.

Boy, were they wrong.

When the birthday party was over and Niall had opened all of his presents, him and Zayn had lied down on their bed, with the blonde's head resting on his boyfriend's chest. They weren't talking much,they were just enjoying each other's company while 'Orphan Black' was playing in the TV.

It wasn't about half an hour later, that Zayn thought it was time.

"Babe? I want to show you something." He started. Niall raised his head from his chest and looked up at him.

"Another present?" He asked excited, blue eyes glistening.

Zayn smiled softly, "Kind of."

"Well, show me."

The raven haired boy made Niall sit up on the bed and pulled off his shirt, slowly revealing what he was so excited and nervous simultaneously to show to his boyfriend. Niall gasped at the inked skin on Zayn's chest. It was something he would never expect from anyone, let alone Zayn.

A tattoo. Not just any tattoo, but an exact copy of his own eyes.

"What is this, Zee?" He spoke, after a very long minute of pure silence.

Zayn's face fell. Niall's expression was enough to disappoint him and he suddenly felt really insecure. "I-You...You don't like it?"

"Zayn, I..."

The older boy stopped him, "No, it's fine. I shouldn't...God. Okay." He was lost for words, so he just put back on his shirt and quickly made his way out of the room and into the living room. His eyes were glossy and his heart ached at that moment. He couldn't even look at Niall right now and he didn't know why exactly.

"Zee? Come on." Niall seemed regretful as he followed Zayn and sat beside him on the leather white couch. He tried to take Zayn's hand in his, but when he flinched away, the blonde knew he had fucked up, but it wasn't entirely his fault.

"You can't blame me, Zayn. It's a fucking tattoo. It's permanent. Like...what happens if we break up? What if-"

Zayn almost lost his shit, "You don't think we are permanent?" When Niall didn't reply and looked down he continued, "Oh. I see that we aren't on the same page. At least, not anymore. What happened, Niall? After four fucking years, I learn that you see me as a temporary boyfriend? What the actual fuck."

"No, you got that wrong, Zee." Niall was quick to deny the accusations, "I love you and I'm going to love you, forever. But... What if you regret it? You're definitely not a temporary boyfriend, but you could actually find someone better. It's not just on me. Yeah, I'm maybe not planning on finding anyone else, not ever, but what about you? There are times that I'm almost convinced that I'm nowhere near good enough for you.

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