Ziall/Larry: Tattoo.

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~Zayn is not very fond of Niall and Niall really dislikes Zayn. At least, that's what they show whenever they get a chance.~

Niall's POV.

Being a seventeen year old gay, nerdy guy seems to irritate a few people sometimes. Especially some of my schoolmates. They don't bully me. They're not hateful and aggressive. They're just pretty rude whenever we interact or they just give me some disapproving looks every now and then. Honestly, I don't even care about most of them. It only gets to me when one specific person does it.

Zayn Malik.

He is a year older than me, has lots of tattoos already and he is very well liked in our school. Nobody seems to hate him nor dislike him, except for me and my best friend, Louis, but both of us for totally different reasons.

You see, I only show negative emotions towards him just to cover up my true feelings. Whereas Louis despises his guts, because Zayn has been rude to me since day one and my best friend is they only one who knows about my little crush, along with his boyfriend and Zayn's friend, Harry.

Thankfully, Harry is a pretty good guy and hasn't told a soul about it.

For a while now, I have been thinking of actually talking to Zayn. I have nothing to loose. Except for my dignity, that is. The worst he could do is probably make fun of me and it's not like he doesn't do it all the time already. Louis has tried too many times to change my mind, whereas Harry encouraged me once to do it, but we didn't talk about it again. Maybe I should. Harry is one of his friends, after all. What could possibly go wrong?

"What are you thinking about, Niall?" Louis asks me quietly. We are in math class right now and I was presumably daydreaming again.

"I think I'm going to do it, Lou." I whisper and he turns to me,his eyes wide.

"What? Why?"

I sigh,"I want to. I've got nothing to loose, Louis. What's the worst he could do?"

Louis seems to be deep in his thoughts before he replies, "You're right. I'm sorry I'm not really happy about this, but you've got to understand that I want you to be happy. If the outcome makes you sad or disappoints you, I'll be there for you, but don't expect me to not beat his ass."

That made me laugh, loudly may I add, and our teacher turned from the board to glare at me, shushing me with his finger in front of his mouth. Louis smiles and I punch his arm playfully before we both start copying whatever Mr. Richardson was writing on the board.


After my last class, I went to get some things from my locker. I grabbed my notepad and before I could lock my locker, the notepad slips from my hands and falls on the floor. I groan and lean down to pick it up.

"Didn't know you had a tattoo." I hear a voice behind me and turn around quickly to face none other than Zayn Malik. He had noticed my tattoo, which was on my waist, just above my bum. I wasn't really proud of it. I mean, I liked it at first, but now, two months later, it seemed too girly to me. It's a red heart with wings, but really nicely drawn.

"That's none of your business." I snap and turn to leave, but his voice stops me.

"It's pretty cool. I'm impressed." He says and I can tell he is not joking. I blush.

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