Larry/Niam: Neighbors

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~Louis hates everything. He hates his parents for sending him away for college, he hates his ex-boyfriend for cheating on him, he hates college, but most of all, he hates his new neighbor.~

Louis&Niall: 18
Harry: 33
Zayn&Gigi: 22

Before you read this: It's the longest one shot I've ever written, but I can promise you it's worth it.

Louis hates his parents. Well, he doesn't really hate them, but he absolutely hates that they're always right. He knows that them sending him to live on his own to learn how to live independently is actually a good idea, but he is sure that he is going to miss them. He is going to miss his mom making him breakfast and him watching football games with his dad. He won't attend family nights anymore with his sister and there will be no more Sunday lunches with the four of them making jokes, having fun and goofing around.

His new apartment, that his parents are paying rent for, is an hour away from his previous home and that means that he won't be able to visit them on a daily basis. Especially because of college.

Because Louis hates college as well.

He always wanted to study music, but when it comes to his family, he hates everything that separates them. He probably is too dependent on his loved ones, but he can't bring himself to care. He is overreacting as always, as Niall says.

Niall. His bestfriend of ten years and his now flatmate. Their parents thought that it would be an even better idea if the two boys shared an apartment, since the both of them are attending the same college. Niall will be studying law though and that means that they are not going to have any common classes.

Another reason why he hates college.

"Stop whining, Louis, please. You're gonna be fine." His mom, Susan, sighs as she places a box on top of the kitchen table. They're currently finishing up with Louis and Niall's personal belongings and even though Niall is happier than ever, Louis hasn't stopped complaining.

"Yeah, Lou. Stop acting like a three year old and come help us with your things." Niall says and pushes Louis through the door of their apartment.

Louis' father comes in as well and carries two boxes in Niall's room before appearing again in the living room. "Honestly, son. You're more of a diva than your own sister and we all know what that means."

Niall bursts out laughing, "Man, that's so true. Zoe must be so proud of you since you're following her steps."

"I can hear you, you know." Zoe, his seventeen year old sister, smiles from where she is sitting at on the new couch with her phone in hand, munching on her gum, almost annoyingly. "But yeah, Lou. They're right. You need to calm down."

"I am calm, I just don't like that my own fucking parents are throwing me out." Louis pouts and joins Zoe on the couch, crossing his hands over his chest.

"Language, Louis William." His mom says sternly at the same time his dad says, "We are not throwing you out."

"I know. I just don't wanna leave just yet. I feel like it's too early."

Susan approaches him and kneels in front of him, placing a soft reassuring hand on his knee. "We're always going to be there for you, Boo. We're only an hour away. You can visit, call and text us anytime you want."

"I can even come get you and Niall every other weekend." Niall's dad suggests and Louis smiles at the sound of it.

"That actually doesn't sound as bad, Will. I might take you up on that offer."

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