20. Free My Brother

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Andre POV

I been cooling it today, trying to get my head straight. I killed someone the same day my niece died. Oh, I've been trying to stay strong. I loved Lala so much. I will miss her so much.

"FUCK!" I yelled, trying to release anger. I punched a hole in the wall. I cried. I couldn't take this. It's too much happening, I want it all to be taken back.

I sat back down once I got myself together only to stand back up when my doorbell rang.

It was the police, what they doing here cause now ain't the time.

"Are you Andre Davis?" They white male asked me.

"It depends." I spoke back. He handcuffed me and began to read me my Miranda rights.

"You are being arrested for the murder of Racqueed Harrison."

"Damn." I thought to myself. "Who opped out on me?"

I was shoved into the backseat of the car. The only person I could think about was Ranylah, my only baby girl, if they find out what I do for a living, I could get up to life and I have to see my baby girl again but if I'm guilty, Ranylah won't be a babygirl no more.

As we arrived to the police station, I was forced into the building. I was in this same position I was in three years ago. I killed someone, but they couldn't keep me in jail cause they couldn't prove that I killed him.

"You get two phone calls. Hurry up." The white redneck, yelled at me, uncuffing my hands.

"Don't yell at me, mane!" I said brushing past him.

I walked over to the phone and I called my pops. He answered to my surprise.

"What happened Dre?" He answered.

"They got me. I need to get out of here."

"They questioned you yet?"

"Nah. Not yet." I said.

"Okay, tell them you want to wait for your lawyer. LAPD ?"


"She'll be there soon."

Afterwards, I called the person I knew best, Alicia. I'll need her to keep Aubrielle and Ranylah until my pops can take them.

"Hellooo?" She answered. Her voice is so beautiful.

"Alicia, I been caught, again. And I need you to watch the girls until, my father can get himself together, and from there he'll pick him up."

"Okay, I gotchu."


"Mr. Davis, come with me. Time for questioning." The officer stated, handcuffing me again.

We walked into the dim room and they handcuffed me to the table.

"So. Racqueed Harrison, you know-" The detective started but I cut her off. They shouldn't have gave me a female, I'm finna flirt my ass out this place.

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