Chapter 1

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A/N: This story does not follow the plot line of the show. It is set in Alexandria mostly and there will be events that were inspired by the show but they won't be exactly the same. Anyway, I hope you enjoy the story.

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I hope you like it :)Sara x


A man called Robert Schuller once said that though times don't last, but though people do. Clara would say he was a wise man but because of the state the world was currently in, she's calling him an idiot. His saying might be true, if today was two years age when everything was okay and the world didn't fuck everyone over yet. But today, that saying meant squad jack. Because though times do last, they've lasted for over two years now and she was sure they wouldn't get any easier. As for the though people lasting forever... Lies. Because she stood over her friend's dying body with tears in her eyes right now. Daniel was a strong and though man, he knew how to fight, he knew how to survive. Skills that you desperately needed in today's times yet one wrong step broke him and before Clara knew what was happening, Daniel was screaming in pain as a dead man bit into his neck. One wrong step. That's all it took. So don't tell her though people last. Because nothing lasts. Nothing.

Plunging a knife into your best friend's brain wasn't something that was on your bucket list, most likely, but it's what Clara had to do. Daniel was the only person she had left. The only family she had and she lost him as well. Robert was an idiot, there's nothing in the world that could predict who lasts and who dies. No matter if you're though and know how to handle a knife well, or if you're just plain lucky, each day passes by and you have no idea if you'll make it to the next one. There was nothing that could predict and foresee your survival because nothing really mattered anymore. All you had left was false hope that was starting to fade, an almost empty bottle of water and a knife that you either knew or didn't know how to hold. Nothing more. If you had any friends or family, you've probably lost them by now, if you're still alive. And you had to be damn lucky to survive, Clara realized.

Pulling the knife out of Daniel's head, her cheast heaved with each breath she took as she sunk down to the floor. Her hand covered her eyes as she sobbed quietly for a few minutes. She wasn't coping, at all. Even before Daniel died she had a hard time, even though he comforted her and talked to her. There are three types of people on the world right now, the ones who toughen up and fight for survival, the ones that go crazy and kill everything and everyone for fun, just because they can and there are those who barely cope in their mind. Clara was one of those and even though her exterior showed she was a rough woman, capable of killing the dead like she's been doing it for years now, her interior was crumbling with each day that passed. And she wasn't sure which one was worst, dying or being broken on the inside, ready to break down. One thing she was sure of, though, is that she couldn't stay there, next to Daniel's still body for any longer. She had to continue.

She dragged his body off the road and into the woods, not too far in, where she covered him with leaves and twigs, and created and make shift grave, without having to dig up a hole. It was getting darker and she had to find shelter before the night fell. She tied two sticks together in a cross manner with some rope and stuck it into the soil next to Daniel's head. Her breathing was erratic, she was crying and by the time she finished, her face was covered in dried and fresh tears. She had no one left.

She took a moment, standing over Daniel's grave quietly before she quickly pulled her backpack on and left, not looking behind her once. She found shelter on one of the trees, just before night came. She was able to climb it and the branches were wide enough and close enough for her to lean against the bark and close her eyes, having a bit of a rest. Sleep didn't come easy to her though, insomnia was one of the things she was fighting with, if the dead weren't enough already, so she spent most of the night with her eyes closed, thinking. Tomorrow, she had to walk quickly. She needed to find food, Daniel's bag of nuts wasn't going to last her long. Water was also a huge problem as she only had a few sips left, she needed to find a pond or a river soon.

As the sun started to show up the next morning, she jumped off the tree, ready to look for food. She walked through the woods, knife in hand, prepared to fight if anything crossed her path. She managed to find a small stream of water so she was able to fill up her and Daniel's bottles. She didn't take much of his stuff, only his knife, in case hers broke, his half empty bag of nuts and his pocket radio with an old Queen cassette in that they listened to while they walked. She wasn't ready to turn it on yet, though.

She walked for days, maybe even a week, she wasn't exactly sure. She found a road that she followed which led her to a small gas pump which she raided, finding a bag of chips that wasn't opened yet and two granola bars, hidden behind a porn magazine. She left the road pretty soon after, going back into the woods. It wasn't exactly safe to follow a road, raiders were all over the place and those people weren't exactly nice to mess around with. The dead were easier to deal with; they didn't have guns at least. During the nights, she either found a safe place to stay or she spend the night on a tree, looking up at the stars. That was something she liked because as the apocalypse took over and the electricity was gone, you could see the millions stars that decorated the night sky like small shiny pearls. You could even see the Milky Way, something Clara was fascinated with.

During the day, she walked, searching for food and water and maybe even some new clothes, the jeans that she was wearing now were ripped at the knees so badly that you could barely call them jeans anymore and the shirt she was wearing was dark brown; it was white the day it all went to hell.

The days passed and soon, she reached another road with a sign by the side of it. The sign talked of a community called Alexandria just a few miles up ahead which meant there were houses and most likely some food. Possibly a safe place to stay at for a few days, stock up on supplies and have some proper rest, something she couldn't resist. So, she decided to follow down the road but this time, she decided it was time to turn on Daniel's radio. A community meant there were most likely a few batteries laying around, people didn't need those urgently, especially not the small ones that fit into the radio so she was able to turn it on. She kept the volume on low, just loud enough so she could hear the sound of the song her and Daniel joked was the lead soundtrack song for the apocalypse. It was Another One Bites the Dust by Queen, a song that now reminded her of her dear friend. She kept it on repeat the whole time and when she was supposed to hit the community which she pictured as a smaller city, she almost couldn't believe what was in front of her. Walls higher than she's ever seen them before with men at the top on the look-out. She stood in the middle of the road with the music still playing when the gates opened. Either this was the best thing that would ever happen to her, or the worst.

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