Chapter 2

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A/N: Here's part two. Once again, this story does not follow the plot line of the show, some events are inspired by it only.

I hope you enjoy and please, COMMENT AND VOTE, tell me what you think.

Sara x


"Hello Clara," a woman walked into the room where Clara was currently in, looking through the window. Alexandria, as it turns out, was a community of people that have been living inside the walls ever since all hell broke loose. It was clean, there was a lot of nice houses that were all occupied with families and people actually felt safe. It made Clara sick. These people didn't know how to survive, that much was obvious, how they managed to feel safe was beyond her. These walls couldn't be strong enough to keep everything out, once something happens, the whole community would be slaughtered. "My name is Deanna; do you mind if I record this?"

Clara turned around and away from the window, towards the old woman with dirty blonde hair and bright blue eyes. Clara's eyes fell to the camera that was situated behind the black couch with a mustard yellow blanket over it for a second before she looked back up at Deanna.

"What for?" she asked and the lady walked around the couch, taking a seat. She motioned for Clara to sit down on the chair across her.

"I like to keep record of things, keeps everything organized," the blonde woman answered, smiling and Clara slowly took a seat on the chair. She hasn't sat on anything this soft in a while and she forgot what sinking into a fluffy chair felt like.

"How long have you been out there?" Deanna asked. Clara starred at her blankly.

"Since the beginning."

"Where are you from? Scotland? You have a very strong accent," the woman spoke, leaning forwards and pressing her hands together between her knees. Her lips still held a smile, one that Clara found annoying in every way, it made her feel uncomfortable. This woman clearly had no idea what was going on out there.

"Glasgow," Clara stated blankly.

"Ah, I figured, your accent gave you away- "

"You've already said that," Clara cut her off, starring at Deanna who's smile just didn't fade away, no matter how rude she was being.

"How come you're here then? You're far away from home," the woman questioned.

"I was on a holiday with my family."

"And where is your family now?" Was this woman trying to be inconsiderate?



It felt like hours since Clara arrived to Deanna's house and that woman had way too many questions. The community, in Clara's mind, was shit. It made people weak, they let their guard down and made them relax, things that shouldn't happen in today's times. You should be on the lookout all the time, keep your eyes peeled. Deanna asked question that had no importance, at least not anymore. Why did it matter that Clara was a student before all of this? What importance did the fact that she used to work in a library on weekends have? None of this mattered anymore and with each question Deanna asked, Clara felt like she would explode, anger building up inside her. By the time Deanna stopped asking question, Clara regretted following that road. She was better off on her own.

"Since you're alone, you'll be living with another group," Deanna spoke, "They arrived about a month ago and I'm sure they'll accept you in nicely." The woman stood up from the chair and walked around to the camera, turning it off. She turned around to face Clara again and smiled. "Come, I'll walk you."

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 07, 2015 ⏰

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