Chapter 4- Bitch Please

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Cierra's POV

This bitch really think she can take MY nigga away from me! Bitch Please I'mma bout to sock it to her. I walked over to were she was sitting "Cierra don't hit her." Princeton said. "I'll do what the fuck I wanna do Nigga don't tell me what to do." I say. I stared at that bitch Chanel for three seconds. 1.....2....3 BAM!!! I grabbed that bitch hair and straight molly whopped her in her fucking face.  "STOP STOP STOP!!!" is all that bitch could scream. I let go and grabbed Kierra and me tay and Kierra were walking to the door and the bitch decides to speak up "That's it just gone leave, I know why you leaving, cuz you a punk ass bitch." "Do you not see my daughter right here." I say "Bitch FUCK YOUR DAUGHTER!" Oh hell naw. "Tay take Kierra to the car." I say walking towards the bitch. "Princeton you just gone fucking sit there." I say "What the Fuck am I sposed to Cierra?.' he says screaming at me. "Excuse me ma'am is there a problem?" The manager comes up. "No sir it isn't I'm sorry for screaming." I say "Oh there's fights in here all the time this is nothing." He says. "Okay?" I say a LITTLE confused but anyways "Why didn't you defend our daughter What the Fuck is wrong with you Nigga." "LOOK!" he says standing up putting his finger in my face. "Your gonna stop talking to me like that." he continues. " Oh so you talk to me like that but you won't talk to that bitch like that and defend our daughter?!?!" I say tearing up "You DIDN'T GIVE ME A FUCKING CHANCE TO RETALIATE!!!" He screams at me. I look to my left to see that bitch over there smiling I guess she want some more. " You find something funny bitch, you find joy in trying to ruin a great fucking relationship huh? HUH? I said HUH BITCH!!!" I say walking up to get in her face. "Yeah I find it quiet amusing." I back up look at her and BAM!! I punched that bitch so hard in her motherfucking face so many times my damn knuckles bleeding. "Stay away from my man bitch I'm warning you." I say out of breath. "This is your first and final warning I catch you with him again. YOUR DONE!" I say and  walk up  to Jacob. "As for you Jacob Perez we'll talk about this at home like NOW at home."  I say "Since when have you had the right to tell me when to fucking come home." He says "Since when did you have the right to go kissing a bitch and the bitch won't me?" I ask. "yeah that's what I thought yo ass betta be home in 10 mins or you'll be dead right when you hit the door." I say and walk away

I really cant believe he just did that to me I just like at the verge of killing someone crying my eyes out I just can't believe it. 

"You iight Boo." Tay says "No Tay.' I say crying. "Mommy don't cry." Kierra says. "Mommy who was she? and Why was she Kissing my daddy?" Kierra asks a little too sassy. "Don't worry about it ok?" She sighs and replies with a simple "Ok, mommy." The ride to my house was silent. Nobody said anything and nobody did anything. 

10 Mins later

We arrived at my house and sure enough Jacob was behind us. I unlocked the house door and was followed by KIKI Tay and princeton. My parents were in the living room watching TV. "Hey.' I say not looking at them. "Kierra go watch TV with your Papi and abuleitas." I say. I didn't do anything I just went straight to my room and Princeton did the same. We were both in the room and it was just Silent. Silence means we both have something to say and don't want it to sound to weird or we just don't know how to say it in a nice way. 

"Are you going to the Doctor Appointment?"  I ask him trying to make things not so awkward. "Yeah I guess." He says not looking at me. "What do you mean you guess?" I ask a little confused. "Look, I meant what I said." he says turning his head my way but not looking at me directly. "Sorry I just asked a simple question." I say "And I just told you a simple answer." he snaps back. "The one you need to have an attitude with is that bitch not me, don't get it twisted Nigga, I was trying to be nice to you." I say "Well I don't need you to be nice to me. and stop calling me Nigga okay?" He says with the same attitude. "Whatever." I say ending the conversation. "Where's Kierra?" He ask me. "Why do you care? You didn't give a shit about her when we were at Taco Bell." I say giving him the same attitude he's giving me. "look, don't get smart cierra." He says looking me square in my face. "What are you gonna do if I do get smart?........Nothing cuz you a punk ass bitch." I say not thinking. He turned around so quick you would of thought Jesus was in the room. "What chu say." He asks me like i was scared or some shit. "i said you were a PUNK ASS BITCH!" He looked at me like he couldn't believe what just came out my mouth. "Bitch you think you hard." He says shaking his head. I know this nigga aint just call me a bitch. "Did You just call me a bitch?" "Yes Yes I did." he said not looking at me. "Fuck you." I mumbled. "You act like I ain't fucking hear that, keep talking shit and see what's gonna happen." "Look." I said I hate fighting with him and I don't like the way he's talking to me, he's acting out of his character. "What?!?" he snapped looking back at me. "I don't like fighting with you and I'm sorry." I said "Yeah whatever." He said then he got up and left.  

He just left me in the room sitting there dumbfounded all alone. I can't believe this is actually happening to me like really I just can't. He left me. I got off the bed and saw him sitting on the couch. I waddled down the stairs and sat next to him. "Babe." I started "I'm sorry I don't like fighting with you do you forgive me." "yeah." "That's all you have to say is YEAH!???" "I'm leaving." he said. "WAIT!! The doctors appointment is in  1 hour." "And?" "So your not coming?" "Yeah I am." "So where are you going?" "Down the street!" "Princeton it takes half an hour to get there, and there is no need to scream I'm not screaming at you am I." "Man Whatever I'll be in the car." "Kierra!." I screamed. "Yes mommy?" "are you going to the doctor appointment with me?" "Ummm Yes." "Ok go get your bookbag and come on." Me and Kierra left the house I locked the door out her in her carseat and We left the house. The ride to the hospital was silent no one said a word, not even Kierra.

30 mins later...........

We're at the hospital and I'm really excited. we checked in and went to the sonogram room


"Alright Cierra lets see what's going on" The doctor said as he rubbed the light blue ge lon my stomach. I looked at the doctors facial expression as he watch the screen and the monitor with the baby's heart rate on it. "Something wrong." I ask. "What's the matter?" Princeton asks worriedly. " The  baby's heart rate is dropping." He says. Then a whole bunch of nurses rushed in the room and wheeled me off to a room where they hooked me up to an IV One nurse came up to me and said "Are you okay?" "Yes i'm fne is my baby going to be okay?" I ask crying "Yes everything will be fine we're going to induce you to get you ready for labor. The doctor has a suspicion the cord is wrapped around the baby's neck. We need to get him out before his heart rate decreases anymore." She says. Princeton came rushing in my room with KIKI. "Babe you okay." He asks out of breath. "Yes I'm fine, they're going to induce me, they think the   cord is wrapped around the baby's neck slightly not alot which is causing the decrease in his heart rate." His face was blank he had alot on his mind i  could tell. "its gonna be okay Princeton I promise." A tear fell down his face and with Kierra seeing her daddy cry she started crying. "Don't cry Kiki." I said "Daddy's okay." Princeton followed. She stopped one because she was tired and fell asleep. princeton sat next to me and held my hand. "I'm sorry Cierra." he said with tears falling down his face. "Baby, don't cry." i said whipping his tears " I forgive you." I finished. 

We just sat there silent...........thinking.............

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