Chapter 29-Feelings Resurrfaced

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There was so much going through my mind I didn't know what to do, so I just ran. I can't believe it I haven't seen him all this time and then all of a sudden I bump into him! I start to walk back hoping they haven't movedWhen I finally got to where I saw Prince there holding Lj and Ki sitting next to him holding his hand. My heart was beating so fast as the feelings all resurfaced.

I see how happy Kierra and LJ look. Prince also looks gleeful. I want this to be how it is all the time. One happy family. I realize how much I love and miss Prince even though just hours ago, I wanted to strangle him. I thought I was over him completely. Guess not.

I look to my right and see Ray and Roc. They give me a reasurring look, signaling for me to walk to Prince. I nod my head. By now, there is a huge crowd if people surrounding us. Honestly, I don't care about them. I am just four feet away from Prince and my palms are sweaty. He looks up at me with hopefull eyes. Then, just as before, I run. But this time, I run into his arms.

"I've missed you so much,"Prince says into my shoulder.  " I missed you too." I hear claps and cheers from the crowd. Standing in his arms was the best feeling ever. The only problem with this is, I know I love Prince.......but am I ready to take him back?

I'd like to give a shout out and a Thanks to my Co-writer Forever_Musiqal. She's been a big help Thanks Girl!


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