Chapter 11- You Bitch Part 2

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Princeton's POV

Cierra and I are heading to find put where our baby girl is and I bet you it was Chanel and her hood rat friends I swear it she lay a finger on her I will punish her.... No Motherfuckin Joke.....

Cierra's POV

Thinking about all the stuff that might happen to my baby makes me start crying she could get raped or killed I just can't take but much stress.... I'm glad Roc and Ti decided to keep LJ for the night...."Baby stop crying we're gonna find her..." Jacob said holding my hand "Well What if we don't what if we loose her forever..... WHY?? JACOB?? WHY DOES EVERYTHING HAPPEN TO US??!!!" I cried and shouted like KiKi throwin a fit.... "Cierra calm down we're gonna find her we wonLt loose her I've worked so hard to gain her trust in me and I'm not going to let all that work go to waste so cut all that cry baby shit out for the sake of Kierra you're a strong girl now suck it up and put your game face on Ci we got a war to fight...." Jacob said quite harshly.... I saw a car beside us a glanced and the driver glance at me.....I was tryibg to make out the face when the car sped off I took at look at the liscense plate it said "NELLY HOE" "CHANEL!" "WHERE?" " HER CAR JUST TOOK A RIGHT TURN!!!" I screamed Jacob sped up and we finally caught up to her she swereved and tried to loose us and then we got a call from her "you want your daughter.... here she goes UR MOMMY'S ON THE PHONE YOU LITTLE BITCH!" "MOMMY MOMMY HELP ME THEY'RE GONNA KILL ME HELP ME MOMMA PLEASE!!" Kierra cried into the phone hearing her cry for help hurt me bad....REAL BAD "ME AND DADDY ARE COMING KIERRA WE'RE COMING!!!" I said I glance at Jacob to see him crying....All I hear on the phone is Kierra crying and panting on the phone.... "OH SHUT UP YOU LITTLE BITCH!" i hear Chanel scream..."YOU DON'T TELL ME WHAT TO DO

YOU DUMB-" I. KNOW. THIS. HOE. DIDNT. "YOU WAIT TILL I SEE YOU BITCH YOU THINK YOU'RE JUST GONNA HIT MY DAUGHTER AND GET AWAY WITH IT??!!" out of fustration I grab the gun out of my glove compartment.....THIS HOE IS BOUT TO GET IT..... FUCKING BITCH....DAMN I CANT WAIT TO PUT MY HANDS ON HER.... The phone hangs up and Chanel turns.... I.WILL.KILL.A.BITCH.TONIGHT!!!!!!!

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