Chapter 23- Life Without Cierra

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I really wish Cierra was here.. I'm going to loose my mind, Prod and I aren't together Prince with his big ass mouth its all his fault.. Prod won't even return my calls, Tisha and Tasha haven't talked to me in 3 days Roc and Ray are the only one's that check on me.. and That's every now and then. I really need Cierra she was what kept us all sane.. Fuck!


Taylor is the biggest whore I've ever met in my life.. She was the reason Cierra stopped trusting me. She doesn't even matter to me though.. I just want Cierra and Only Cierra.. I want to wake up to her face everyday and Kiss her forehead and tell her how much I love her .. and We can both going to the kid's room and wake them up and we could eat breakfast as a family and see her smile her beautiful smile as we sit and talk. I miss those days.. those were the good days. 

interrupting my thoughts was Chanel.. i know what you're thinking... After the bitch kidnapped your daughter you're going to fuck with her.. No thats not the case... well maybe it is the case... We don't love eachother I know she be tricking on the weekends... I could care less... We don't make love like Cierra and I did... We just... have sex... it feel no love between us.. none what-so-ever.  

Right now I don't know  what the fuck is wrong with me.. Well Mindless Behavior lost a member..

Prod Left..  So Now its just me Roc and Ray.... I lowkey believe that Prod used us to get his start.. like he stayed with us for some time but then when we got to a certain point in our career, which I personally believe was the best, he decided okay Thanks for getting me to here... I can do it by myself thing.. Which I think is a PUNK ASS MOVE! I mean I thought we were supposed to be brothers.. You know bros before ho's shit like that..  Fuck my Life..


OHMYLAWDD So Ray and I are back together!! And Well.. IM PREGNANT !! Lmao Yus Ray finna be a Daddy!!! I can't wait its a boy!! and I'm going to name him Raquan.. I would name him Rayan. but I don't like the nickname Jr. so yeah Raquan it is.. But Im kind of sad because Cierra isn't here to go through this with me.. She's my ride or die.. What do I look like having a baby and my main bitch isn't here. I haven't been able to contact her I think she changed her number. She knows my number so I can't seem to figure out why her ass hasn't called me. Like when ever Ray and 

I have an arguement then I could go to her and know everything will be cool. She's so full of wisdom.. and it hurts me to know she built all of that wisdom from being hurt so many times.. She shouldn't become wise from hurt. she should just be known as a wise person.. I love Prince to death  but he was wrong for this.. Cierra didn't deserve all the hurt he caused her.


So Kaliyah is Doing Great.. But Roc and I aren't together anymore we broke up because I caught him with some other bitch. AND THE SAD THING it was in OUR bed. I still let him visit Kaliyah on the weekends.. That is her daddy afterall.. I wish Cierra was here though cause these bitches here don't know nothing bout taking care of no babies. And I sure as hell don't.


Without Cierra here it's boring as fuck. Nobody talks to anybody anymore. Its like the whole world fell apart when she left. She was the light to all of our darkness. She's the beauty the beast in all of us. She makes the world better. Damn i miss her blaxican ass. Prince is one dumb motherfuck for letting her go... He fucked up.. he fucked up REEALL bad.


So Tisha and I aren't together anymore.. Fuck her she won't even all that anyways.. I got me a new bitch.!! How you like that Tisha.. I still visit my baby on the weekends I wasn't gonna let her take my baby from me..I helped make her too. I still lowkey think that if Cierra,A.K.A the Love Doctor, was here that Tisha and I would be together. I miss her... Alot


FUCK ALL THEM BITCHES MAN!! THEY SOME PUNK ASS MUTHAFUCKERS! Taylor is the biggest whore I've ever met.. I got me another bitch anyways so it don't even matter... she can suck my dick as far as I'm concerned..but as for Prince... he's one low down dirty fucker! I'm never talking to his bitch ass again.

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