Chapter 24- Life Without The Squad

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Life without the girls and guys... its something else! I mean i miss them and love them to death but it seems like I'm happier without them! I haven't bothered to call them I fear they're too mad at me.... Kierra asks about him everyday. Ever since we left the house its been. "Mommy? when is daddy coming to live with us." And I never know how to tell her she might not see her dad for a while. I didn't want to take them away from Prince but I sure wasn't going to fucking leave them in Cali with his ass... He might be with Chanel and I don't want my kids around that bitch.. Nuh Uhhh Nope that ain't popping off.! I know I still haven't been with anyone since I left Prince.. I don't want anyone else Princeton meant and still does mean the world to me. I wanted to make things right but it just wasn't working. Maybe Prince and I aren't meant to be. If he isn't the one for me I wish someone would tell me who is.. Well this may be shocking but Asia and I have been hanging out alot lately. Kierra is starting to like her..Finally... She's slowing gaining my trust but only time will tell.. after all she tried to ruin our relationship... I just wish that things can go back to the old days but... sadly you can't turn back time.What's done is done and you can't take that back... If only you could press rewind everytime you fucked up... But im only human. I'm not perfect.. I never will be but as for Tay,Tisha,Tasha,Prince,Roc,Ray,and Prod. I wish them all the best... I may and probably won't ever talk to them again.. It hurts you know ... to know that they only care when you're gone. They never really appreciated me when I was there... at least I don't think they did.. I miss them though.. I pray for them everyday.. They still and always have a special part in my heart reserved for them... but until they prove that they deserve that spot in my heart it will remain empty.. confused and lost... I'm going to me and provide for my kids and family with or without them. I just hope they will forgive me for leaving them like that... Maybe they're happier without me... i don't know... I don't what to know anymore... I'm just.. Lost.... but with them Im not...i guess Im not happier without them... 

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