Chapter 23

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Sehun's P.O.V

I woke up with a pain in my stomach which seemed unbearable, but I needed to attend school cause I've been missing so much days due to getting sick. I limped to the bathroom and did what I had to do, I took a shower straight after and then got ready for school.

I took a big bandage and put medicine on my stomach which had a big blue mark, I wrapped the bandage around my tummy and headed down stairs. "Morning mom..." I said as I saw Jyunhik and her sitting and discussing something, "Morning sweetheart, No morning for your step dad?" She raised her eyebrow at me.

"Sorry mom I'm late" I kissed her cheek and she shook her head, he sent me death glares but I ignored him and hurried off to school. While I was awaiting the bus I saw Chanyeol park in front of me with Baekhyun sitting in shotgun.

"Get in" he said while looking forward, "Actually....I've been putting on a lot of I think I'm just gonna walk bro...but thanks anyways man" I said trying to avoid anyone noticing the marks on my skin.

Plus what if they notice I'm in pain....what do I tell them? He looked at me and read my expression. He rolled up the window and drove off, not that he's mad or anything but Chanyeol somehow gets us all. He understands and he cares for us alot...he's just weird at showing it.

I limped off until I reached the school gates, when I walked into the doors, I straightened up and tried to walk as normal as possible even though it was very painful. Although I wasn't  complaining in pain, soft grunts and groans could be heard through my gritted teeth.

I walked to my locker and unlocked it, I grabbed my notebooks and then slammed it shut, I was about to walk off but someone was blocking my way, I looked down a little and saw Luhan with a big bright smile.

"Good Morning" he said with a cheery voice, "Morning" I whispered with a hoarse voice and I cleared my throat quickly. ".....what happened?" He asked while looking at me, I was confused for a moment until he brushed his finger over the fresh cut lying on my lip, I flinched slightly and held his wrist, moving his hand away from my face and to his side.

"I fell of the bed last night" I lied and he stared at me for a minute before biting his lip and nodding, "Okay hun....I'm sorry if I was to pushy for asking that..." he said in his cute little guilty voice. Ugh I just wanna cuddle him so much but I'm in so much pain and ugh.

He snapped his finger in front of my eyes, I turned my attention to him and he chuckled slightly, "Hmm?" I hummed a little lost. "I asked if you're ready for class now, we have Chem together." He said smiling brightly and bouncing slightly.

I nodded slowly and he smiled and grabbed my hand pulling me to class while blabbering happily. I tried hard not to show any signs of pain or flinching, he sat in his usual seat with Baekhyun and I sat on the other end of the class, I usually sit with Chanyeol, Lay and Kai but Kai sits in the front now and well I don't want anyone to find out about my little...Um....'Problem'.

I already knew Chanyeol could tell something was up, Good going Sehun. Even Kai was watching me every now and then, Kai looked pale as hell and he had on sunglasses in the cold weather, he looked sick....we knew Minhyuk was making him suffer but we were in the middle of our plan to get him back so we couldn't do anything right now. Every time we try to talk to him he wouldn't listen or budge, he just ignores us. But anyways back to the present, Luhan was also staring at me a couple of times in curiosity because it was strange that I was sitting away from my friends. But Ugh you know what......whatever.

(Bell rings)

I took up my books and started heading out of class, before I could exit the almost empty class, Chanyeol and Lay approached me. "Explain" was all Chanyeol said and I looked at him and chuckled with with a slight puzzled face trying to act as normal as possible. "Explain what dude?" I said looking at them both pretending to be confused.

Give Me More. (ChanBaek/Hunhan) DISCONTINUEDWhere stories live. Discover now