Chapter 22

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Kris's P.O.V

Ugh. Tao was having another one of his bitch fits and he was taking it out on me again. "You always do this Kris! I told you time and time to just leave it alone. So what if a guy on the street harasses me in front of you? You don't go punching the guy! Now we have to pay money for his damages!!" He said going all crazy all over the place.

"I have money" I said scrolling through my phone boredly, "Money??" He scoffed, "That's not the point Kris!! One day you're going to be in a situation where money won't be able to save you and neither can I!" he screamed.

"I don't care, Kris always gets his way, so I'm not worried." I said getting annoyed and still going through my phone. "Ugh you idiot" He grabbed his hair frustrated, He walked over to me and took my phone throwing it away from me. "What the fuck Tao" I said standing up and sending him death glares.

"You have money remember" He said giving me a fake sweet smile while folding his arms, "You are so fucking annoying I swear, You need to calm the fuck down" I said as my voice started getting louder. "Don't tell me what to do Kris, You're the one who needs to calm the fuck down" He shouted as he stomped his foot.

Tao's P.O.V

Kris was killing me right now, I love him but he's a spoil brat and right now he was pissing me off. "You are so fucking annoying I swear, You need to calm the fuck down" he said raising his voice at me. "Don't tell me what to do Kris, You're the one who needs to calm the fuck down" I yelled as I stomped my foot to the floor.

"Who do you think you're talking to like that??" He said getting angrier by the minute, "You! You're the only one here idiot!!" I screamed feeling frustrated enough. "I'm tired of you and your shit Tao, Would you just leave me alone. You're such an idiot and I don't know why I ever chose you over Suho!!" He shouted at me and I could feel my eyes getting teary.

"....Well.......then if you're tired of me......I'll do you a favor and set you free....Go on to Suho...You always seemed to favor him over me anyways..." I smiled at him with tears flowing down my cheeks, his face seemed to fill with regret but the damage was already done. I grabbed my bag and was about to leave but then I heard his voice speak in a calm manner "Tao...I didn't mean that I'm sorry..Just don't go please...I never meant any of that, I was just mad." He said and walked up behind me.

"No...there is no need to apoligize...I got the message, you don't have to pretend to love me Kris...I would've left if you asked me" I said softly as I wiped my tears. "Baby I swear I didn't mean it-" Before he could finish I cut him off. "Just don't alright.." I said as the tears flowed wildly.

"You say you love me but your actions prove different, you thrash me around like I'm step on me like dirt....You never appreciate anything I do for you. You're a spoiled brat, your daddy has money so you think everyone is lower than you....You're royalty...High class...And I'm just an average guy...A middle class boyfriend....I'm tired of you thinking you can do whatever you want....but not with me Kris..not anymore..." I said sobbing helplessly, I turned around and was about to walk off but then I felt myself being pulled back by my wrist.

"You think I don't love you? Huh? You think I don't appreciate the things you do? Tao...I do love you okay...Love is a weak spot for me which I don't want anyone to touch.......but you Tao....only you can get to that spot...Only you get to open that door because I trust you enough to let you in. I'm sorry that I don't know how to love you right but isn't that why you're here? To help me and teach me." He said looking into my teary eyes.

He wiped my tears with his thumb and entwined our fingers, "Maybe I am a spoiled brat...Maybe I do think I can do whatever I want, but Tao, as my boyfriend you have a right to put me in my place, Yell at me, Control me. And so what if you're not high class? What does that have to do with me loving you? In my eyes....You're the queen...And I'm the king. And that's final." He breathed in and out heavily still looking into my deep brown eyes.

Give Me More. (ChanBaek/Hunhan) DISCONTINUEDWhere stories live. Discover now