Chapter 11

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Kyungsoo's P.O.V

I was currently at school waiting for Baekhyun, I don't know if Kai is here...I mean we don't live together or anything, my parents would kill me if they found out about me being Bisexual.

I kept checking my time and tapping my feet on the floor with my arms folded, I tried calling him for the 100th time and he still won't answer.

The bell rang for class and I sighed as I headed towards my first class, Math, the worst subject ever. I walked into the class and I saw Kai sitting in the back with Sehun, they were laughing and he turned his attention to me.

He smirked at me and I looked down blushing he turned his head and continued talking to Sehun, some of the class make cute sounds and I blushed more, the class has gotten use to Kai and I, and Chanyeol and Baekhyun, The class is pretty cool with gay's because really we have some Bi's in this class so they understand.

The rest of the school are just bullies, I mean in some other classes there are some gays but they get bullied...because their average, but not the bad boys, I heard Chanyeol was arrested for beating up some guys who tried to hurt his girlfriend.

Ever since every one is afraid of him and Kai, Sehun, Lay , Kris and Tao respect him dearly, I'm so glad I have Kai, I love him so much, he's so cheeky and fun and plus he protects me from those bullies.

Half of the girls in this school are jealous of me because I have Kai, he's is really sexy, can't blame them, but he's all mine. So they will learn to back off.

Yes I'm very serous when it comes to my man, I love him and I know he loves me too. The teacher called out an equation and we wrote it down , hey I know this its easy.

I felt someone sit next to me in Baekhyun's chair, "Hey, Where's Baekhyun and Chanyeol?" Kai asked me, "I don't know" I whispered to him. "Hmm maybe their skipping school today" he said shrugging.

"I guess" I said also shrugging, "Hey can you explain this equation to me? The teacher confuses me" He said as he dragged his desk closer and he shifted on his chair coming closer.

"Sure" I said blushing, "Well its easier if you work it out this way, Y equals forty five multiply by X, and then you take the 17 and divide it by the two, when you get the answer that's Y, so then you take the forty five and subtract 23 and carry across the answer where it becomes negative." I said drawing and writing the diagram for him to understand.

"Oh I see, I understand now that you explained to me, I now understand the positive and negative part" he said as he examined what I did.

"I see you're a visual learner" I said smiling at him, "Yeah I guess I am huh" he said as he smiled back and went back to his work doing the equation.

Kai seems to be doing his work regularly now, and he pays more attention in class, Is he changing because of me? If he is then......awwww.

Baekhyun's P.O.V

*Beep Beep Beep Beep*

I heard the alarm beeping, I stretched my hand and hit the snooze button, I then felt two arms tightening around me, I smiled remembering about last night, Fuck I feel so sore, my butt hurts.

I slowly opened my eyes and looked at Chanyeol's sexy morning face, his eyes were still closed as he slightly snored, he sounded and looked so cute. I then realized we had on no clothes and a blush came to my face.

Chanyeol's eyes slowly opened as his gaze turned to me, I smiled at him and he smiled back, "Morning beautiful" he said with his sexy husky morning voice.

Give Me More. (ChanBaek/Hunhan) DISCONTINUEDWhere stories live. Discover now