Chapter Five- More confessions

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*This chapter is dedicated to TheDevilsSmile because she commented first :)* Also this chapter does have some self Harm topics in it so if thats a issue im just warning.

(The next Morning)


I just couldnt believe it, two couples created in one night. It was really amazing being with Zayn. We stayed up all night talking and telling eachother all of out secrets. I could tell Niall and Harry were doing good too. Niall didnt even want to go to Nandos when he learned me and Zayn were dating, he even wanted to stay up all night with us. He could be such a girl sometimes but he was really concerned about one thing. How are we gonna tell Louis were all dating? We new he would get jealous because he has Eleanor but we werent exactly sure if he was alright with everybody all together. I really couldnt think of anyway to tell him because I was so lost in Zayn but hopfully Niall and Harry came up with something. We could always put Harry in a room with him to tell him. Personally it didnt matter I could do it. I would do anything to make Zayn happy and I could tell he wasnt happy with Louis not knowing.

"Zayn" I said shaking Zayns arm trying to wake him up. Zayn was a heavy sleeper and I new it would be hard to wake him up, just not this hard. "Zayn!" I said a little louder. Still nothing. "ZAYN WAKE THE HELL UP" I screamed. Suddenly a horrified Zayn jumped out of bed.

It wasnt my intention to sleep in the same bed as him. Especially since we had only been together not even twenty four hours. But we were just lying there and it felt so perfect I couldnt have gotten up if I wanted to.

"Liam what the hell is wrong with you; cant I just sleep for once" Zayn said sounding angry as ever.

"Fine, I will just leave you to sleep." I said smirking as I got up. "Also im calling Louis and im telling him about our little get togethers" I said as I left the room.

I knew Zayn wasnt really mad at me and he knew I wasnt really mad at him we had our little fights like this all the time and I think their really fun truthfully.

So now I have to wake up Harry and Niall to tell them im gonna call Louis over. I should wake Niall first since hes the easiest to wake.

"Niall" I call into his ajar door.

No answer.

"Niall" I call slightly louder.

Still no answer.

What was he up to? I guess Im gonna find out. I opened the door and Niall wasnt there. Before my mind could think the worst I knew exactly where he was. Harrys room.

"Harry, Niall! I better not see any nudity when I open this door" I said as I flung open The door to Harrys room to see Harry asleep with Niall in his arms. Aww they really are cute together. I should just let them sleep.


God I wish Liam wouldnt have woke me. I hadnt slept at all last night but it was totaly worth it. I loved talking to Liam, and just the oprotunity to lay in bed with him and talk was amazing. I would never sleep again if I could do that every night. Just to get to look into his eyes was a blessing. I dont even care if Liam tells Louis anymore he can do whatever he wants as long as he stays with me. Now thats enough thinking of Liam I need to change my clothes. And of course just as I slip my boxers off Liam has to barge in.

"What the hell? Dont you knock?" I say as I quickly cover myself up. Liam quickly shut the door walked away. I hope he wasnt mad. I just didnt want him to see anything. I was always self consious about my body and I wasnt one to flash it around. Truthfully I would be fine naked infront of Li but If I was I would risk everything. I would have to explain a lot of stuff I wasnt willing to tell anybody. But I knew I would have to tell him eventually if this was gonna work.


I couldnt believe what I had just saw. I had just saw Zayn naked which was amazing but I had also just saw something horrid. Zayn had scars on his thighs. And they werent accidents there was to many to be an accident. But Zayn wouldnt do that to himself would he? I knew he had trouble coping sometimes but he usually just smoked a cigarette and it was over. I know I shouldnt pry but Im really starting worry more and more as I think. 

I turn back around and make my way back down the hall to Zayns door. I didnt know how to even start the conversation so I guess I will just go with what I think. Just as I raise my hand to the door to knock I here Zayn call "Come in" How did he know I was there.

"How'd you know it was me" I ask opening the door and closing it behind me. 

"Lucky guess" Zayn says sitting on his bed not even bothering to look up at me. "Liam..are you mad at me" Zayn asked Looking up.

"Of course not why would I be mad" I ask sitting down beside him and grabbing him in my arms. I then knew he did do it intentionally but I still wasnt mad.

"Because im retarded" Zayn sobbed into my shoulder. That was enough. How could he even think that about himself

 *NOTE*This chapter isnt finished i know i stopped in a bad place but i really have bad writers block so I will finish this later sorry

I want you to know (Narry) BxBWhere stories live. Discover now