Toy Soldiers Preference

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~You have a nightmare and he comforts you~

Joey: You had just lost your sister in a car accident two months ago and you'll have nightmares about seeing her death. You saw her driving down the road and next thing you know she was hit head on by a semi-truck. That last thing you heard was her blood curdling scream before being shook awake. "Was it a dream about Ali again?" Joey asked lightly. You just nodded before crawling into his lap. You eventually fell back asleep to him running his hands softly through your hair.

Billy: You began to be very nervous and anxious after the shooting. You hardly slept and when you did, you were soon awaken by your own screams and cries. Billy being the heavy sleeper he his he would never notice you had a nightmare until you crawled into his bed. He would sleepily turn your way and wrap a secure arm around you. You would then bury your head into his chest and listen to his steady heartbeat that would eventually send you back into a restless sleep.

Snuffy: You guys would watch a scary movie and you wouldn't be able to sleep. Since you weren't able to sleep, neither could he. You would make him stay up with you and distract you so you wouldn't fall asleep. After a few hours of that, you would be so tired, that you would be able to sleep without being awoken by a nightmare.

Hank: you suffered from nightmares every since you were little so he knew exactly what to do when you had one. He would sit up and talk with you about because he knew that once you got it out you would calm down a little. Once you explained it, he sat with you laying your head in his lap,whispering sweet little things to you.

Ricardo: When you had a nightmare it was very noticeable. You thrash around and scream and cry. He would have to shake you to the point where it seemed he was gonna throw you off the bed. Your eyes eventually flashed open showing nothing but fear. He wiped away the tears that continued fall down your face. To get your mind off of it, he put on your favorite movie and cuddled you close to him.

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