Chapter 29

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Claire's POV

The car ride back to my house was quiet. I could feel my aunt staring holes into the side of my head. I sighed heavily as I looked out the window.

" Are you going to say what's on your mind or are you going to keep staring at me?" I said and I heard her sigh.

" Claire, I am just worried about you." She said.

" There is no need to be worried. I'm fine." I lied and she pulled into my drive. She turned off the car and turned to look at me.

" Claire, I know you're not. It's okay not to be okay. I know you're upset right now because of Lilly but you can't just shut down again. You're drinking even more than before and you're hurting yourself again. I have never you seen you more happy than you were with Lilly." She said and I groaned and got out of the car. She got out with me and followed me to my door. I opened my door and she came in with me.

" I am not having this conversation again." I said to my aunt.

" Claire, I know that you want to protect Lilly from yourself but you don't have to. You are not a bad person Claire. Lilly can see that in you and she wants to be with you. She wants to be there for you and help you. I don't understand why you're pushing her away." My aunt said and I turned to look at her.

" You know why! I have explained this to you so many fucking times! I am not good for her! All I will ever do in life is drag her down and hurt her and I refuse to do that to her! I care about her too much to do that to her! I don't want to talk about this anymore. I am going to lie down. Do whatever you want." I said heading up to my room. I lied down on my bed and shoved my face into my pillow. I don't understand why it's so fucking hard for everyone to respect my decision. I understand why it's hard for Lilly but I am doing this for her. Nothing that anyone tells me will change my decision. I am just so fucking stressed with the whole Lilly situation and that arsehole who keeps trying to contact me. I need time alone without someone trying to bother me. I was about to fall asleep, when I heard a knock at my door. I was about to get up to see who it was but I heard my door open. I guess my aunt is still downstairs.

" Hi Riley." I heard Lilly's voice and I sighed heavily. I don't know why she insists on talking to me. No matter how hard I try to push her away.

" Hey Lilly." I heard my aunt say.

" Is Claire home?" Lilly asked.

" She is but I don't think she is in the mood for talking. She is upset and tired right now." My aunt said.

" I know but I just wanted to come check if she was okay. She may be ignoring me but I still care about her. I just wish she would talk to me and see that she's not a bad person. I'm afraid that she will spiral out of control again. Olivia told me about how she was before I came." Lilly said and I sighed.

" I understand Lilly. She's okay. She has a broken hand and three broken fingers. Other than that, she is fine physically but I don't know emotionally. Do you know what set her off today? She won't talk to me." My aunt asked.

" No, I don't know. She came into the school and someone called her. She answered the phone and suddenly got super angry and cursed at her phone. Brad and his friends came by. I think they just came by at the wrong time. It probably didn't help that they said something about me when speaking to her." Lilly said and she was right. I can deal with people saying stuff about me but when they brought Lilly into it, I lost it.

" She just took out all her pint up frustrations out on Brad and his friends. I just think that you need to give her some time Lilly. Hopefully she will come to her senses and change her mind. I can see how much she cares for you but she feels she needs to push you away to protect you." My aunt said with a sigh.

" I hope she does because I want to be with her. I don't care what my parents say. I know she is a good person." Lilly said and I felt tears brimming my eyes. I quickly wiped them away and sighed.

" Thank you for talking to me Riley." Lilly said.

" You're welcome Lilly. I will hopefully see you around." My aunt said and I heard my door close. I heard a door close and a car pull away. I heard walking up my stairs and stop in front of my bedroom. I heard knocking on my door but I ignored it.

" Claire?" My aunt called out knocking again but I ignored her. I heard her sigh heavily.

" I am going to go now. If you need me, give me a call or come see me. I am always here if you need me, Claire. I love you." She said before retreating from my door. I heard my front door open and close. I heard a car door close and a car pull away. I am happy that I am finally alone. I don't want to talk to anyone. I rolled over onto my side and closed my eyes. It didn't take me very long to fall asleep.

Authors Note:

Sorry for the filler chapter. It will start to get more interesting soon. There's some drama coming up soon. For anyone reading, how are you liking the story so far? Also thanks for even giving this books a chance! ❤️

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