Chapter 43- Break ups, make ups and switch ups -part 2

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Cato's pov

So far, tonight has officialy been the worst night ever. I mean EVER. I miss Clove. Johanna is okay, but really just a friend, we have barely talked all night.

We both know that the only reason we went to senior prom together was because we were regected by the people we asked. Well me anyway, Johanna admitted it was because she was to scared to ask Gale so when I asked her, she pounced, thinking it would make Gale jelous.

But, now I am the one jealous. No, not of Clove and Gale. I mean I dont think they have been seen together all night.

But I'm jealous of  the way katniss and peeta have been dancing and cuddling all night. Im jealous of the way Finnick and Annie are awkwardly heading towards forgivness. Jealous of the way Marvel and Glimmer and making out in the corner. Jealous of way the two freshman English teschers are sneaking loving glances when they think no one is watching.

Im jealous of the way all my friends have relationships and I'm here waiting for
The girl I love to love me.

Cheesy and corny I know.  But a guy can dream. Jesus christ, I am turning into a pansy for that girl.

A sharp pain hits my side and glance sideways, realising Johanna had elbowed me.

Johanna ever so slightly tilts her head to the left. I look over to see Clove walking over with a small smile.

"Hey," Clove says "mind if i sit here?" She gestures to the spare seat seat next to me, draped in purple cloth and white ribbon. The schools doing.

I shrug and arkward tension fills the air, as she seats.

Clove fiddles with the hem of her dress. "So."

"So" Johanna interrupts "I think I um... lost a er.. thing. So im going to go look for it somewere."

Johanna walks away quickly, but I dont miss the wink she gives me. I think Clove saw it to actually.

There is an eerily silence that flows through the air. Im debating whether to say something first or for Clove to explain why she came over.

I cringe at the silence  gazing over at Kate Denny, over at the Dj table. She is playing the most romanic slow song in the world making our situation a lot... cringier i guess.

"Im sorry Cato"

I Sigh. Girl you practically broke my heart into three million pieces  "I know"


Another awrkward silence fills the air, but this time I feel as though its my turn to fill it.

I need to man up and tell Clove how I feel before I loose her again.

" I love you Clove"  I mutter playing with the end of my navy tie

"Yeah...I know" she replies and I wince. That is probably the worst thing to say after someone says they love you.

"And Cato," Clove says and I look up from my shoes with a slight forced smile "I love you too."


Johanna's Pov

I look back towards my seat. To see Cato and Clove sharing a kiss, their hands clasped together.

I smile. It drops when I spot Gale talking to a pretty junior girl with big blue eyes. i have never really been jealous before, so it was a whole new feeling. And i hated it.

If Gale cant man up to me, but can talk to another girl, then i will fix this my bloody self.

Tightening my ponytail, and brushing off imaginary dirt on my dress, I waltz over towards Gale.

The junior girl sees me before Gale does, walking away. Gale turns to me after that with a confused look set onto his handsome features.

"Oh hey Johanna" He says, scrathing the back of his neck as I get within mere metres of him.

Taking one last breathe before I change my mind, i crash lips to his.

Gale doesn't move at first and i start to panic. Maybe it wasn't a good idea after all. But after a few moments i feel gales lips respond softly against mine. Omg.


Katniss Pov

"Do you work at subway? Cause your givin' me a footlong"

I frown and burst out laughing at Peetas pick upline. We have been standing against the wall testing out pick up lines on each other. Its quite fun actually.

"Okay what about this one? How do you like your eggs? Fried, pouched or f..."

"Hey Peeeeetie" a screeching voice says and we both look up.  But we didn't need to,  i mean the only person who calls Peeta that is Delly Cartwright. She is literally wearing the most skimpist pink prom dress that barely covers her chest.

"What do you want Delly?" Peeta asks rolling his eyes

"A dance."

"How about no." Peeta replies,flinching away from her outstretched hand.

"Come one babe. Dance with your girlfriend" Delly whines

This time i roll my eyes, but i dont move to say anything. A couple of weeks I would of said something, but now, i leave it knowing Peeta is my boyfriend.

"Delly you were never my girlfriend"

"Then what do you call me know? Your soul mate"

"An annoying bitch" I mutter, but Delly hears me and sends me a glare in which i laugh at.

"Okay then Delly. You were totally my 'girlfriend' but im sorry I dont think its working between us anymore. its not you its me." Peeta says, holding in a laugh

Delly looks likes she is ready to kill "what?" Her voice is as sharp as nails on a chalkboard

"I just really need to work on myself right now" peeta continues, obviously pushing it that one step to far.

I snort in laughter, clasping a hand over my mouth to nuffle the giggles escaping.

Dellys face twists into a snarl "No!" She yells "you break up with me. No one breaks up with me!  I brake up with you!  We are over! "

Most of the students in the room have stoped to look at us, most just rolling their eyes at Delly.

"Okay then" Peeta chuckles "suits me just fine. Katnisswould you care for a dance?"

"Sure thing babe" I say making obvious emphasis on the babe. Delly fumes at me, but i ignore her, letting peeta lead me into the center of the dance floor.

Hey guys! Its 2016! And i uploaded the last chapter of gossip boys and friend's.
But dont worry, i still have the epologue and a bonus chapter!

Thanks for the support. Remember to comment and vote. Love you guys


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