Chapter 3- Sleepover?

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Katniss Pov

For the rest of the day I am crowded by the tributes. In all my lessons I had at least someone from the group who willingly sat next to me.

I ate with them at lunch and they even invited for me to ditch with them for last two periods. Maybe this won't be the 'worst school year ever' as I thought it would be just this morning.

I'm lying on my bed checking Instagram, when a message pops up from group chat.

Clovelylady🔪- Sleepover at my
house! everybody in?

Sexysugarcubes- count me in

Catowantsfries🍟- ^^^^^^^^^^

Annie-pannie- okay ,but what time?

Glimmergirl👠- sure! marvel says he'll yes (he's at mine)


Kitty-Kat- I guess I'll be there. but can someone pick me up?

🍔Peetaishungry🍞- ill be there! what is Marvel doing at yours Glimmer? hmmm😏Ill pick you up at 6:25 if you want katniss?

Clovelylady🔪- yeah glimmer whats marvel doing at yours? are you parents home? 😉

Glimmergirl👠- fuck off! Were in my room WATCHING TV!

Kitty-Kat- that would be great! thanks peeta 😃😚 you saved my life!

Catowantsfries🍟- I gotta go c u!

I switch off my iPhone as nervous butterflies fill my tummy. I just said yes to Peeta so he can pick me up. In his car. Alone. So gorgeous. Thise blue eyes. His husky voice soooo sexy....Stop it katniss! He only likes you as a friend nothing else.

But still, the butterflies are there to stay and trying to take my Mind off of his sexy manor I trudge down stairs to first actually ask permission If I can go.

I find Mum in the kitchen drinking some coffee in her work uniform. "Night shift?" I ask taking a seat at the bench

"Sadly." Mum says folding up the paper "how was your first day?"

"It was fine..." I say but mum sees straight through my act

She raises an eyebrow

"Okay it was better then fine. I made a heap of friends and this really really cute boy-Peeta." I blabber

Mum smiles

"Mum um can I go to a sleepover party tonight with my new friends. its over a cloves" I ask picking at a stray thread from the place mats

"Are there boys going?" She asks

I don't often lie to my mum but in this case the truth will probably enable me to go"No just us girls, and as far as I know no ones a lesbian"

This makes her laugh "sure, you can go, but don't discriminate"

I smile "I wasn't! I have nothing against gays but it would just be really weird...You know"

Mum laughs again "go upstairs and pack. If you need a lift I can drop you off on the way to work"

"Thanks, but I already landed one" I say and run back up the stairs.

I dig my bag out of a unpacked box and shove in my toiletries and a change of clothes. I stuff my green bikini in and my pillow. I grab my green, fury hooded sleeping bag and set it on the bed next to my bag.

I sneak down the stairs and into the kitchen so I can pack some Lollies and drinks.

"What are you up to?"

I jump a little and whip around to see Prim standing with her arms crossed against the wall

"Nothing" I lie

"Katniss" She warns

"Fine I'm sneaking some beer out of the fridge to go to the party along with Lollies." I say

"Does mum know?" Prim asks although the answer is obvious

"Of course not! But don't you go telling her or I will-"

"Will what? Tickle me to death?" Prim says amusement clearly running through her veins

"That's not a bad Idea. I think I might start now!" I say and before Prim can run I tackle her to the floor and start to tickle her sides

"" Prim laughs tears blurring her vision

"Promise not to tell Mum?" I say still tickling her

"Okk...aa..a..y i...i promi...mise!" she yells

I stop tickling her instantly and get up

"Mum doesn't know there's boys at the party either so dot go spilling that to her accidentally." I warn

"Can't make any promises" Prim laughs

I holding up my hands and start to tickle the air "Oh really?"

Her eyes widen at the thought of getting tickled again and she says "But I will make a promise for my dear sister"

"Good choice" I say lowering my hands



Hey guys, there is a big thunderstorm going in when I write this and I'm freaking out! I hate storms. I don't mind the rain and thunder but lightning scares the bageepers out of me!

Anyway please comment and vote and those of you who live in Australia 'G-day mate' although no one actually sad that here!


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