Chapter 28- What? No!

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Katniss pov

Glimmer drives me to the hospital, as I am too panicked to drive. Prim. Prim.Prim. I keep mumbling her name. praying that she will be okay.

"There you go sweetheart" Glimmer says as she pulls up at the hospital. "ill see you when we finish school"

I nod and jump out of her pink car. I race into the emergency where my mother is dressed in her nursing clothes and Plutarch.

"What happened?" I ask frantically to the doctor beside them

"Primrose has been badly burned from a house fire..."

"Is she alright? When can we see her?" I say tears staining my cheeks

"Um.You all might want to sit down" The doctor suggests for us.

I sit down next to Mum, but Plutarch stays standing.

"I'm not sitting down" Plutarch says

"Okay. the news might come as a bit of a shock." The doctor says "We are doing everything we can but Primrose might not make it out alive"


Hey guys sorry its a small chapter I just felt like it should be ended here. we t snowboarding yesterday! Just thought you should know. Okay please vote and comment


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