A/N: This is the final part of 'Innocent Enemy'. I hope you've enjoyed it so far! :) As of right now, this story is completely unedited, so please excuse any mistakes...and we may or may not have reached 50 reads *faints, spouting unintelligible nonsense* Well, go ahead and continue reading. Warning: Violence
Indrasena's eyes widened. A real home? A noble. That was unbelievable! The man chuckled. "Sounds nice, doesn't it? That will be your reality soon. You just need to stay with us. You've got some possibly fatal injuries that need to be treated as soon as possible. Try to stay conscious. Gosh, where is Travis with the water? He's certainly taking his time."
The man shifted and gazed at Indrasena. "For Galalissian royalty to go this far as to have a little girl nearly killed for some little scheme amazes me. Their plan didn't even work, you know. King Merec of Oneralia was going to let you be killed, but Prince Miles sent us, his personal guard, to save y-"
The man, her savior looked up, behind Indrasena. "Here's your water. Try to drink this," He moved so that he was behind her and gently lifted up her head, placing it in his lap.
The man pressed something to her dry, cracked lips saying, "Drink." Indrasena opened her mouth and water flowed into it. It was wonderful. As soon as she took the first little sip, she started to gulp it down immediately, trying to quench her intense thirst as fast as she could. She whined when the man took the water away from her mouth. "If you drink too much too quickly, you will be sick. Drink slower," he said. He pressed the water container back to her lips and this time Indrasena drank slower. She finished the whole thing in a few moments, feeling satisfied afterwards.
The man placed her head back on the ground. Indrasena looked up, afraid that he would leave. "Don't worry. I'll be right here. Travis and I just need to discuss how we are going to return to Oneralia," he assured. "We'll need to move soon so you just rest up. Unfortunately we do not have anything to help with the pain right now, so the journey will likely be unpleasant," he apologized.
Indrasena still felt as if a giant was stepping on her, but the pain was worth it, if she would have a better life. Indrasena wanted to rest, but she was too excited. At first, she was sure she was going to die alone in that building, but now she was being rescued and being offered a life as a noble. A noble! Indrasena's mind filled will fantasies of eating huge platters of any and every food she could think of, twirling around in beautiful ornate dresses, and most of all living in a home. She would live in a home! She would have parents! Indrasena hoped her future parents would be nice. She imagined them wearing fancy clothes and living in a house that stretched across the land. Maybe they would have horses! She always wanted to ride a horse. Indrasena drifted off, dreaming about her future as an Onerali noble, living in a warm house with food and drink. She couldn't ask for more.
Later, the two palace guards finished preparing for the journey. They even made a makeshift stretcher for Indrasena in the hope that it would keep her wounds from reopening. When Travis picked her up to place her on the stretcher, the was a metallic sound. Two goldens fell out of the folds of her clothes. "Two goldens? Is this what they paid her? How lit-" His head jerked down, as a bit of Indrasena's shirt had gotten pushed back and he had touched her back. She was cold. He put his ear by her mouth. She wasn't breathing. They were too late, for poor little Indrasena Misty was no more than a corpse, her chance at a better life, gone.

Innocent Enemy
Short StoryLittle 9-year-old Indrasena Mistry is a Galalissian orphaned girl starving on the streets of The Kingdom of Galalissi, which is at war with The Kingdom of Oneralia. Indrasena is lucky enough to be given an offer from her king's advisor. Act as an On...