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Paisleys pov

So being pregnant sucks just to let you all know! Don't do anything stupid to make you like this. I don't regret having sex I just kinda wish I wouldn't of gotten pregnant or if maybe SOMEBODY would of thought of protection it wouldn't happen in the first place! Jeez wow there hormones are making me selfish and stressed out.

But only 5 months left of this shit but I don't know if I can take any more stress. Niall has been supportive but then again he's been a real douche lately.

Like I can't help I'm 4 months pregnant with your child and I can't do much because I'm getting bigger and Im not suppose to lift things! Like he will go out and leave me here sometimes and get drunk with the boys. Like how does he think this makes me feel?

And not to mention I don't even know if he's sleeping with anybody like who knows? Cause I know for damn sure that the boys are off with their girlfriends drinking!

I'm just really sick and tired of it! I don't know what to do anymore maybe out I wasn't pregnant or dead he wouldn't care right?

I walked into my bathroom and got my razor. I made cuts not to deep but deep enough all up my arm. I got my bottle of sleeping pills and some kinda other pill that I really don't care to read the name.

I was already dizzy from losing all the blood in my arm I hurried up and swallowed the pills dry and just passed out on the floor.

Nialls pov

I've been out drinking a lot per say. But I still help paisley with the pregnancy. I'm not there all the time. I've slept with a couple girls from the club but it's just flings. They know it was a one time thing and so do i. I don't really feel guilty okay maybe a little.

Wow I think I've hung out with Harry to much lately I sat like a real jerk! It's 8 at night and I made my way upstairs to tell paisley goodbye cause me and the boys were heading to an interview thing.

I walked in our bedroom and paisley wasn't anywhere to be seen. I saw the bathroom light on so I knocked on the door.

No answer

I knocked on it again.


I opened the door and paisley was laying on the ground with blood basically all over her pills on the ground on the sink 2 pill bottles In her hand.

I started crying. "GUYS!!!! GUYSS!!!!" I yelled.

Everyone came running in and saw. Kylie and Eleanor got sick so they started crying and Kylie threw up. Well that's just great.

'Liam call the ambulance she could be dead!" He dialed 911.

I checked her pulse. "Guys her heart rate is slowing down we gotta get her downstairs quick.

Me and Harry carried her down the stairs and zayn supported her back so we wouldn't hurt the baby.

Oh god the baby! What has she done! She could kill it! For all I now it could be dead so I'm carrying my almost dead girlfriend and maybe my dead son or daughter. Well today just gets better and better doesn't it.

What is happening to my life? What have I done? I don't deserve to have these great people around after what I have done. Paisley doesn't deserve me neither does my baby.


So Nialls depressed Kylie is sick because she can't handle the sight of her bestfriend and paisley could possibly be dead and her baby too.




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