This is the story
of ten unfortunate souls
intertwined in a place anchored
by the name of a cluster of lights.Grey, the colour of the one
who's right eye
has been hidden
from the world.Green, is the man
raised deep in the jungle,
protected from the
anomalies of the world.The blue of the skies,
is the one they call
the selfish traitor who
manipulates people.Purple is the light
within the darkness.
But even he has
darker intentions.The pink one is painted in agony
with the petals from the roses
that have shunned her
because she was imperfect.Slate grey, for the one who fought
in the rubbish world
only to land at the top
perfection didn't equate to beauty.Black is for the one who hid in the slums,
she who fought for the cause of survival,
and stood over her opponents.
Even a smile can hide a deformed past.The one in indigo is called
the breaker of hearts.
But even they don't know
that his own heart was missing.Bleeding—scarlet red is
the demon that everyone fears.
Surprisingly, the blood he bathes in
is of the one he truly loved.Of all the royals is violet.
A man who only wants
acceptance from the world
that he chose to forget.Stories intertwined by an entity;
and even that entity has
his own story to tell.
But this is their—and their pain.

PoetryAn expression or burst of emotions, a place of solace from suicide and depression. May be an art or a form of liberation-probably a loss of sanity driven from hungry memories; to understand and listen to the stories around us, a passion-driven delir...