I woke up to the sound of the alarm, forcing me to get on with the day. I didn't want to leave then again I never did. I threw some cloths on and headed out the door when my phone rang. It was Nico. My only crush sence 4th grade.
Nico: hey
Me: hi sorry I can't talk I gtg bye
Nico: bye
Great I dissed my crush. The wind swayed and I could see the fog coming out of my mouth caused by the freezing air. I went through the halls with Kylie to choir. I felt warm lips brush my check, but when I snapped my head to see who it was, no on was there. But what I didn't know was that Nico was watching me from the corner after he kissed my check. I carried on with my day until lunch. My teacher held me back to help her with something real quick. Meanwhile Nico and others were setting up my ask to the dance coming up soon. I walked in the cafè to a banner and Nico standing on the table. He gave a little love speech and I jumped up and down with a smile on my face.
Remember only a dream. Joy.Hey people's it's Kaitlyn. Short I know. Stupid I know. But I'm having a writers block😱 ideas are always welcome🤓 stay cheesy😅 idek
Mistério / SuspenseAlex keeps having some weird dreams. But what happens if they are real? Find out in my new story dreams!