Someone whose good looks excite romantic feelings.
Raphael told the others that she got away. She slipped through his fingers and disappeared before he could tie her up, it's simple as that. Although slightly disappointed, Leonardo dropped the issue and ordered everyone home.
Back at the lair, it seems as if Destiny hasn't left the dojo since they went out for patrol. She sits next to Master Splinter with a mug of tea in her hand, the two of them chatting softly to one another, although she carries most of the conversation and he opts to nod and offer agreeable hums.
"...right at the end of the video, he showed me the sunset and said that he thought it was pretty and he wanted to show me. It made me happy," Destiny says. Splinter smiles a little and she takes a sip of tea. She pulls out her phone and pulls something up. "I added Melanie on Snapchat too. I'm still getting used to it, but...hey, uh...this was on her story-thing? Story."
Splinter smirks a little. "So there is an effect that makes her face look like a dog?"
"Yeah, and Diaval's the Dalmatian." She taps something on the screen. "See? Now I have a rainbow coming out of my mouth. Blehhhhh—"
"That is funny."
"Hey...Sensei, Des?" Leonardo asks, clearing his throat as they finally notice that he's standing at the entrance. Raphael lingers behind him, arms crossed and lips in a pout. "We stopped the Dragons, but our plan fell through."
Both Splinter and Destiny let out small breaths, shoulders slumping. Splinter murmurs something, nods, and takes another deep breath. Destiny stands up, gathering their mugs, and hurries out of the dojo.
"Des—" Leonardo starts.
"I got Splinter to eat some more," Destiny interrupts, keeping her chin tilted down. "Your plan really stressed him out. He worries that you're gonna go down a bad path."
Leonardo purses his lips. "Oh...well, thank you...for telling me."
She nods, then glances at Raphael. "Want to help me out? The dishes aren't done yet."
He grunts. "Sure."
She gives another nod to Leonardo before continuing to the kitchen, Raphael trailing behind her. At their backs, Leonardo's voice reenters the quiet as he updates Donatello, Sarina, and Michelangelo about what went on while they were gone.
In the kitchen, Destiny sets the mugs down and starts running some water in the sink. Raphael lingers behind her, shifting in place, mind racing as he taps his fingers against his crossed arms. Destiny isn't looking at him, in fact, she seems completely focused on the few dishes and cups left by the sink, and yet he feels uneasy, like she could turn around and see right through him in a second.
He's itching to get back out there, desperate to find Taylor and demand to know her true intentions. His common sense screams at him to just drop it, ditch her and move on, but his heart has different plans. His heart is a smitten, stubborn schoolboy that can't help but long for her to be truthful in her desire to see him.
After all, he wants to see her whether she's a Purple Dragon or not. It's stupid, it's thinking with his hormones and not his head, but it's a force that he can't and won't fight. He likes her smooth, Spanish-sprinkled words, her teasing smile, her voice with the rolling R's and the sarcasm, her touch. What's more, now he knows that she hits like she means it, that she's a fighter.
He likes that too.
For a fleeting second, he wishes that Diaval were around. He could use a desire reading right about now. A moment later, the idea of Diaval seeing everything going on in his head makes him cringe and he abandons the thought. He wouldn't be able to look the guy in the eye ever again.

Non-Mutation (Book Four)
Fanfiction"You're weird too, Raphael. But...I like weird." Her anger has built over the years, festering inside of her like a disease with no cure. It is dragon fire with a heat that nothing can extinguish. She sees red, the colour that has always fuelled her...