A symbol of true love.
"Um...so, just relax," Raphael says as he slows to a stop outside the lair entrance.
"Are you telling me or yourself?" Taylor asks, managing a lopsided smirk.
He rolls his eyes as he helps her out of the cart. She keeps her injured foot off the ground and leans against him as he starts towards the turnstiles.
"Just don't freak out if my family does," he says. He looks around as they inch past the entrance. "Also, keep your voice down until I say. Des has the hearing of—"
Destiny appears in an instant, wings spread slightly and one eyebrow arched. Taylor tenses against Raphael's side as the wolf's freaky eyes land on her and narrow immediately.
"Raphael..." she starts.
"Des, what's going on?" Leonardo's voice sounds next, coming from the dojo.
Raphael pulls Taylor closer to him, eyes wide, and she frowns. "What's up with you?" she mutters under her breath.
"I may be regretting my choice to just bring you here without warning," he replies.
Leonardo arrives, taking a spot next to Destiny, and his eyes narrow too when he sees Taylor. "Raph...why is Taylor here?" he demands, voice low and cautious.
Raphael rolls his eyes. "Because her gang used her as a punching bag?" he suggests.
"You didn't think to call first?" Leonardo asks, gaining volume. "Or better yet, maybe you shouldn't bring a Purple Dragon to the lair!"
Donatello and Michelangelo exit the dojo followed closely by April and Casey. Raphael sucks in a long breath at the sight of his human friends while Taylor's expression drops at the sight of Casey.
"Taylor?" Casey asks. He races past the others and skids to a stop in front of her, all smiles. "Hey, Tay! I didn't—" He finally takes a good look at her, eyes latching on the telltale tattoo. "Wait...you're a Dragon?!"
Taylor rolls her eyes. "Grr, get away from my treasure. Blows fire. Grr."
Michelangelo giggles. "Hehe, she acted like the animal kind."
"Yeah, yeah, she used to be a Purple Dragon," Raphael snaps. "She tried to leave! That's why she's all beat up."
"Used to?" Donatello repeats.
April raises her hand. "Uh...how do we know her in the first place?" she asks. "Am I missing something?"
"Raph's been having secret little rendezvous with this girl for a few weeks," Destiny says, arms crossed. She smiles a little at April. "We kept it on the down low, and you were so busy with school..."
"Oh, gotcha." April nods. Neither girl takes notice of Raphael's sputtering, shocked noises.
"You? A Purple Dragon?" Casey mumbles. "I didn't see that coming at all..."
Sarina leaves the dojo, tapping a pen down her notebook page, and she frowns when she sees the cluster at the entrance. Upon getting closer, she catches sight of Taylor and a soft gasp leaves her, eyes flashing.
"Oh, dear, that looks like it hurts," she murmurs. She moves past the others and reaches out to Taylor's face, making the girl tense further. The cyborg smiles without teeth. "Nothing that we can't fix."
Taylor stares at her. "Eres Sarina, ¿verdad?"
The cyborg's eyes flash again. "Sí, soy yo," she answers, and Taylor's stress dissipates a little more at the sound of her second language. Sarina extends her hand. "Please, come with me. The sooner we get you cleaned up, the better."
"Hey, I never said she was sticking around!" Leonardo says.
Sarina rolls her eyes. "Honestly, Leonardo, she's hurt. The least that we can do is patch her up."
"Careful, Taylor," Sarina murmurs. She scoops her into her arms and Taylor lets out a small squeak at the movement, eyes wide. Sarina winks at her. "I am stronger than I look. Hold on."
She heads off to the laboratory, leaving the others to stare at her. Donatello hesitates for a second before hurrying after the two of them and Destiny shakes her head as a tiny smirk appears on her face.
"Seriously, she's so bad at hiding it," she mutters.
"Hiding what?" Michelangelo asks.
Destiny's eyes glint. "When she finds a girl pretty, duh."
The four remaining boys can't figure out a good response, most letting out little "oh" noises while Michelangelo is the only one to nod and agree softly. April puts her hand over her mouth, covering her smile.
Leonardo shakes his head and returns his attention to Raphael. "Okay, back to what's important," he says. "Raph, I've done stupid things before, but—"
"Come on, Leo," Raphael says. "She left the Dragons, they beat her up...she was all alone and terrified. I couldn't leave her."
"Do you think they put a tracker on her?" Casey asks.
"I'm pretty sure Don and Sari will handle that," Michelangelo says. "They aren't stupid."
"True," Destiny says. "But, still..."
"Guys, she just needs to stay here until she can go home," Raphael insists. "I'll keep an eye on her, scout's honour."
Leonardo heaves a long sigh before nodding. "Fine," he says. "I'll tell Master Splinter."
He heads back to the dojo. Destiny gives Raphael another long look before heading to the living room and starting to search for the remote. Casey and Michelangelo are quick to join her while April lingers, staring at Raphael.
"So..." he says. "I didn't know you guys were here."
"Mikey invited us to training and a movie night," she states.
"Cool, cool."
Her eyes narrow. Raphael stirs, then opens his mouth, but April slaps him across the face before he can get a word out.
"Uh...OW!" he exclaims.
"Since when do you fall in love with bad guys?!" she demands in a harsh whisper. "I expect that from Leo, but you?!"
"I can't help it! She kinda just..." He chuckles sheepishly and rubs his neck. "Just kinda sucked me in."
"I don't care what she sucked—" She stops, cheeks red. "Oh gosh, that sounds bad." Raphael struggles to stifle his laughter and she glares at him. "Ugh, my point is, she's a gang member and you just—"
"Not anymore," he says. "Look, she has her stuff here and everything!" He scurries backwards, leaping over the turnstiles and shoving the cart into view. He drops to one knee and gestures to Bindo. "Like her little turtle fella..."
April throws her hands up. "Unbelievable." She groans and pinches between her eyes. "I give up. This is so much to take in." She turns around. "Casey, we need to get home."
"What?" Casey asks, looking up from Super Robo Mecha Force Five. "What happened to movie night?"
"I think it's been cancelled."
"Aw, man..." He sighs and gets up, fist bumping Destiny and Michelangelo goodbye as he hurries over to her. "Rain check, right, Raph?" he asks, flashing finger guns and clicking his tongue.
Raphael nods. "Yeah. Sorry that I ruined things, guys."
"No worries, dude. See ya!"
The teens leave, Casey's arm draped around April's shoulders. Raphael sighs and shoves the shopping cart into the lair, looking around awkwardly before setting it by the pinball machine. When he looks up, Michelangelo and Destiny are watching him.
"If you trust her, then I do too," Michelangelo says.
"I guess we don't have a choice now," Destiny mutters. She looks Raphael dead in the eye. "You'll take care of her for as long as she's here, right?"
Her words sound almost like a threat, almost like a warning. He sighs and nods. "Yeah, I will."

Non-Mutation (Book Four)
Fanfiction"You're weird too, Raphael. But...I like weird." Her anger has built over the years, festering inside of her like a disease with no cure. It is dragon fire with a heat that nothing can extinguish. She sees red, the colour that has always fuelled her...