The cardinal bird is said to be a messenger between the spirit world and the physical world, promising renewal and protection to those that see it.
Taylor's morning felt a little brighter than others. After spending some extra time with Raphael, her world seems less dark, less dreary, and she leaves her room with a slight skip in her step. Planning to go and buy some breakfast for herself, she starts towards the stairs only to run right into Hun.
"Taylor, it's time."
Her blood runs cold and fear flashes in her eyes. Her smile disappears. Two simple words, so meaningless without context, and yet they have singlehandedly obliterated her good mood. Stress radiates off of Hun like a heat lamp and his words sound like a sick joke.
"You need to finish your assignment," he snaps, focusing his glare on her.
She swallows and folds her hands behind her back. A few seconds pass and she's aware of everything. The Dragons that have already arrived are training again, their sparring grunts echoing in her ears, and Hun's glare makes her want to cower.
"I...I'm not sure it'll work," she says.
She regrets the words the second that they have left her mouth. Hun's nostrils flare and she imagines him as a charging bull, impaling her with sharp horns or trampling her with heavy hooves. He clenches his jaw and raises his eyebrows.
"It...won'" he repeats. "What makes you think that?"
"I just...I think...uh..."
"SPIT IT OUT!" he bellows, making her knees wobble.
"I don't think that they trust me enough," she states.
"Your thoughts mean nothing. It's been weeks," Hun says, each word pointed. "Weeks...of robbing and pillaging and scavenging for those scientists and they keep demanding more. The want more from us, from me, and without those damned turtles—" He grits his teeth. "We. Have. Nothing."
She nods. "Sí, I know, jefe, but maybe they could find other mutants. They are tons out there, like that monkey—"
"NO!" He grabs her arm and yanks her closer, ripping his sunglasses off with his free hand.
"They are paying me for those turtles and only those turtles," he snarls. "They wanted them days ago, weeks ago, but you insisted that this takes time. You've had enough."
"If I could just—"
"YOU GET NO MORE CHANCES!" His voice cracks and some of the other Purple Dragons look over at him, eyes wide. Hun grins, but it's crazed. The pressure is getting to him too. "They need to get this done. I need it gone and done and out of the way."
She nods, her arm starting to ache from his grip. "I completely understand. Mutacorp is a busy place, but...but..."
"I tried catching them myself or setting them up to get caught," he continues. "You remember very well. I alerted them so they could show up in their fake police cars and snag the turtles for themselves, but it didn't work. Those animals are too smart to fall for that." His grip tightens and she winces, fingers clenching. "Then it was distractions. Their interferences cost us money and supplies for Mutacorp and you worked well with that, but it's not enough."
"This isn't a good idea. Their plan—"
"Their plan is their own to carry out. The employees don't get to question the boss," he insists. His glare becomes more intense and she shuts her eyes. "You've changed, Taylor. I'm not sure I like it."

Non-Mutation (Book Four)
Fanfiction"You're weird too, Raphael. But...I like weird." Her anger has built over the years, festering inside of her like a disease with no cure. It is dragon fire with a heat that nothing can extinguish. She sees red, the colour that has always fuelled her...